Cross-National Drug Policy
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Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Addictions | American Government & Politics | Drugs & Behavior
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Addictions | American Government & Politics | Drugs & Behavior
232 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
While citizens experiment with illegal drugs, their governments experiment with regulations to prohibit drugs. Scholars, analysts, and policy makers who know what legal prohibitions other countries have tried and found successful will have a better chance of crafting effective drug policy for their countries. This special issue of The Annals describes the experiences of eleven countries: Australia, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, France, Iran, Jamaica, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, and Sweden. Articles are grouped by geography and wealth: the wealthy West, the western hemisphere, and the transition countries.''The drug problems of wealthy Western nations have generally worsened since the 1960s. Some have no clearly articulated vision behind their drug policy (e.g. Denmark); others have tough policies (e.g. Sweden). France and Portugal both recently instituted sharp changes in drug policy. While no outcome results are yet available from Portugal, France has experience a huge increase in the number of users in treatment. AustraliaÆs strong harm-reduction policy remains in place despite increasing heroin deaths and other drug-related problems.''U.S. consumption and U.S. international drug policies affect western hemisphere countriesÆ policy as well as generate problems for them. Although Mexican drug use remains at modest levels, the country faces violent and powerful criminal groups. The groupsÆ creation is related to MexicoÆs role as the principal source and primary transshipment route for drugs bound for the U.S. IN Jamaica, another route for cocaine shipped to the U.S. and another focus of U.S. international drug policy, drug trafficking has exacerbated the long-standing problem of politically related gang violence by increasing the moneys and weapons involved. Drug use is a relatively minor concern of Columbian policy, also under U.S. pressure; instead, it focuses on trafficking and related corruption and violence.''Iran and Russia are countries in transition. Contending with fundamental economic and social change following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has had little political debate regarding its highly intolerant drug policy. IranÆs drug policies have frequently shifted during its long history of dealing with opiate abuse, from harsh punishment to regulation of use and back again. Most recently, more therapeutically oriented approaches have been tried.''Two articles address geographically broader issues. One shows how U.S. politicians distorted results from a study of needle exchange in Vancouver. The other discusses creation of a new regulatory regime for governing developed nationsÆ banking systems, in the belief that illegal drugs account for a substantial fraction of suspicious financial transactions, particularly across national borders.
Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter
Preface: The Varieties of Drug Control at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century
Lau Laursen and Jorgen Jepsen
Danish Drug Policy: An Ambivalent Balance Between Repression and Welfare
Henri Bergeron and Pierre Kopp
Policy Paradigms, Ideas, and Interests: The Case of the French Public Health Policy Toward Drug Abuse
Mirjam van het Loo, Ineke van Beusekom, and James P. Kahan
Decriminalization of Drug Use in Portugal: The Development of a Policy
Leif Lenke and Boerje Olsson
Swedish Drug Policy in the Twenty-First Century: A Policy Model Going Astray
Gabriele Bammer, Wayne Hall, Margaret Hamilton, and Robert Ali
Harm Minimization in a Prohibition Context: Australia
Martin T. Schechter
Science, Ideology, and Needle Exchange Programs
Francisco E. Thoumi
Illegal Drugs in Columbia: From Illegal Economic Boom to Social Crisis
Marlyn J. Jones
Policy Paradox: Implications of U.S. Drug Control Policy for Jamaica
Jorge Chabat
Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver
Fariborz Raisdana with the cooperation of Ahmad Gharavi Nakhjavani
The Drug Market in Iran
Letizia Paoli
The Price of Freedom: Illegal Drug Markets and Policies in Post-Soviet Russia
Michael Levi
Money Laundering and Its Regulation
Marie Gottschalk
Review Article: Black Flower: Prisons and the Future of Incarceration