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Creating Effective Teams

Creating Effective Teams
A Guide for Members and Leaders

Fourth Edition

160 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders, Fourth Edition is a practical guide for building and sustaining top performing teams. Based on the authorÆs many years of consulting experience with teams in the public and private sector, the Fourth Edition describes why teams are important, how they function, and what makes them productive.
Why Groups?
From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development
Navigating Stage 1
Surviving Stage 2
Reorganizing at Stage 3
Sustaining High Performance
How Do High Performance Teams Function?
Effective Team Members
Effective Team Leadership
Effective Organizational Support for Teams
About the Author

While I cannot justify asking my students to spend additional $$ for this text in addition to their Org Behavior text, I'm holding onto this book in case I should teach a "Teams" elective in the future.

Dr Laura Dwyer
School Of Business Admin, University Of Evansville
March 4, 2014


I have adopted and required Introduction to leadership by Northouse for ALL 5 of my courses for FALL 2013 and plan to do the same for ALL 7 of my courses in SPRING 2014. I trust that I am your leading professor for using this text. It is outstanding. Your courage to publish it is appreciated.

Also, I have adopted Introduction to Intercultural Communication ALL 3 of my Intercultural Communication courses this academic year.

I am in search for a team communication text for ALL 4 of the team communication courses I will teach this academic year.

I teach business (management & finance), philosophy, communication, and psychology at Foothill College, Evergreen Valley College and the University of Phoenix. I am in search for a philosophy text for one of my Introduction to Philosophy courses at EVC in SPRING 2014.

I am indeed a dedicated SAGE instructor!

Thank you,

prof. douglas threet

Dr Douglas Threet
Manegment Communication, Evergreen Valley College
October 26, 2013

Looking for a book that has case studies

Dr Cora Thompson
School Of Business, South University - Savannah
November 18, 2012
Key features


  • New discussion and insights for the reader on the shift from a team focus to a leader focus, which has had a negative effect on team performance and development.
  • Chapters reorganized to help readers learn in a more systematic way
    • The first seven chapters are about work groups, team development, and creating high performance teams.
    • Chapters 8 and 9 focus on effective team members and leaders.
    • The last chapter examines what organizations should do to support their teams.


  • Packed with straightforward strategies for building and supporting well-managed, high-performing teams, this book examines why teams are important, how they function, and what makes them productive.
  • Discussions throughout the text focus on diversity within teams: how different ethnic and cultural groups may have differing perceptions of group interactions. The book details specific strategies for respecting divergent beliefs while remaining effective.
  • Checklists and self-evaluations provide even more information on the reader's personal leader or team member style.
  • Research references provide readers with the theory and research background for the practical, application-based material in the text.

Primary changes:

Reorganization of chapters

Increasing reader awareness of the shift in the U.S., and parts of Europe, toward leadership training and away from membership training. These shifts have had negative effects on team work, team training and productivity.

Chapters of the 4th edition of C.E.T. were reorganized to improve clarity and learning focus about work group development across time. Chapters 3 to 6 give readers the opportunity to learn about what individual members , and the leader, can do to help their group through the stages of group development. Chapter 7 describes how high performance teams function. Chapters 8 and 9 describe effective team membership and leadership. Finally, the improtance of organizational support for teams is highlighted.

Sample Materials & Chapters


ch 1

ch 3

Susan A. Wheelan

Susan Wheelan was president of GDQ Associates, Inc. Until 2001, she was a professorof psychological studies and faculty director of the Training and Development Centerat Temple University. Dr. Wheelan received Temple University’s Great Teacher Awardin 1992. She also worked as a psychologist in a number of hospital and clinical settings.Dr. Wheelan was the author of Facilitating Training Groups; Group Processes: A Developmental Perspective; Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders;and Faculty Groups: From Frustration to Collaboration. She was editor of the Handbook of Group Research and Practice and coeditor of The Lewin... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.