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CQ Press Supreme Court Collection

The CQ Press Supreme Court Collection blends historical analysis with timely updates and expert commentary of Supreme Court decisions, biographies of Supreme Court justices, Supreme Court institutional history, and the U.S. Constitution. Featuring summaries and analyses of more than 4,000 major decisions, it offers unique contextual frameworks and analysis of the Court and its decisions unavailable in any other reference.


Content and Features

  • Summaries and analysis of more than 4,000 major decisions, including all cases in which the Burger, Rehnquist, and Roberts Courts (October 1969–present) issued a written opinion, and links to the full text of the cases
  • Court Reports from Supreme Court expert Ken Jost provide timely analysis of current topics and decisions before the Court
  • CQ Cases-in-Context—a selection of contemporary and controversial topics that are of enduring interest to researchers, including the death penalty, privacy, and free speech
  • “CQ Press Key Cases”—cases designated by the CQ Press editorial staff as the most important in American constitutional and political history
  • Documentation of public opinion of the Court and the issues before it, appropriations history, judicial legislation, and judicial staffing
  • Chronologies of major cases and justices
  • Analysis and comparison of constitutions from a hundred nations

How the CQ Press Supreme Court Collection supports research

  • Analyze justices’ voting records and opinion alignments with powerful and unique tools including “Justice Role Finder,” “Justice Opinion Analysis,” and “Voting Bloc Analysis”
  • Find statistics and other data on essential topics, such as the quantitative analysis of voting records, opinion alignments, and political alignments