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Courthouse Violence

Courthouse Violence
Protecting the Judicial Workplace

131 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Violence in courthouses is very prevalent. The courthouses themselves are filled with individuals have committed crimes against individuals and society, and these individuals can often become explosive. This volume of The Annals discusses the violence seen in courthouses. It delves in to how this violence transcends the courthouse walls and expands to the homes of the individuals who work in the courthouses. This volume, Courthouse Violence: Protecting the Judicial Workplace, cites specific examples of violence and how the victims may even be trying to help the accused individual.''This volume of The Annals focuses on citing examples and research to help better the readerÆs understanding of what kind of violence is out there and how it can be avoided. The purpose of this volume is to identify the basic issues involved in courthouse violence so that appropriate security measures can be discussed, decided upon, and implemented in the courthouse setting. Some of the issues that are discussed for clarification are:''''''· The type of violence seen in courthouses''+ WhoÆs at risk for becoming victims?''+ What types of courts are most susceptible?''+ WhoÆs likely to become violent in the courthouse setting?''+ What are their motives for becoming violent?''Finally, the volume discusses planning that is being done or can be done to help limit or even eliminate the threats of violence on courthouse officials. It discusses the financial implications as well as physical and architectural changes that must be made to make the courthouses safe for all that work there or need to visit.
Don Hardenbergh and Neil Alan Weiner
Roger Warren
Violence in the Judicial Workplace
Neil Alan Weiner and Don Hardenbergh
Understanding and Controlling Violence Against the Judiciary and Judicial Officials
Donald J. Harris, Charlotte L. Kirschner, Kristina Klatt Rozek, and Neil Alan Weiner
Violence in the Judicial Workplace: One State's Experience
Fredrick S. Calhoun
Violence Toward Judicial Officials
Debra M. Jenkins
The U.S. Marshals Service's Threat Analysis Program for the Protection of the Federal Judiciary
Bryan Vossekuil, Randy Borum, Robert Fein, and Marisa Reddy
Preventing Targeted Violence Against Judicial Officials and Courts
Thomas Faust and Michael Raffo
Local Trial Court Response to Courthouse Safety
Fred A. Geiger
Courthouse Violence: The View from the Bench
John M. Greacen and Robert J. Klein
Statewide Planning for Court Security
Michael Griebel and Todd S. Phillips
Architectural Design for Security in Courthouse Facilities

Victor E. Flango

Don Hardenberg