Core Sociological Dichotomies
- Chris Jenks - Brunel University, UK (1996-2006)
`Chris Jenks and his colleagues from the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths College, London, have compiled an impressive contribution to a growing body of literature associated with the relatively recent resurgence of interest in sociology and sociological theory.... All in all this is a successful text that will almost certainly be extensively used by undergraduates and their teachers. Jenks and his colleagues have produced what amounts to a high-quality introduction to significant empirical concerns in sociology, and to the core theoretical concepts and themes that relate closely to the revitalization and development of the discipline.' - British Journal of Sociology
For year 1 this was not at their level and I found learners struggling. For year 2 and above this may be used as an additonal resource alongside a handbook
Wealth of material covered from across the discipline, but comprehensively organised into abstract themes which break down relevant theories/concepts relating to larger ideas within our culture module. In particular: Culture/Nature; Modernity/Postmodernity; High/Mass, and; Work/Leisure.
This is a good resourse text for social science students. It is similar in style and content to a dictionary and thus a good place for students to go for quick and direct definitions and meanings of key sociological concepts.