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Conversation Analysis

Conversation Analysis
The Study of Talk-in-Interaction

Volume: 35
Other Titles in:
Qualitative Research

96 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Conversation analysis has contributed enormously to the understanding of social life, social structure, the meaning ascribed by individuals to interaction, and the rules and structures of conversation. George Psathas' succinct introduction outlines its procedures and its major accomplishments, with discussions on verbal sequence, institutional constraints on interaction and the deep structure of talk.
The Study of Interaction
Discovering Sequences in Interaction
Sequence and Structure in Interaction
The Methodological Perspective of Conversation Analysis
Talk and Social Structure

This book is a classic, and is, despite its age, still an important source for anyone interested in conversation analysis. However, as course book, there are other, newer books that are didactically more fit to undergraduate classes.

Dr Christian Dayé
Sociology , Graz University
November 13, 2009

George Psathas

George Psathas (B.A. ‘50 and Ph.D. ’56 Yale University; M.A. ‘51 University of Michigan) is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Boston University (since 1997) and Professor (since 1968) and has served as Chairman and Associate Chairman of the Department. He also has taught at Indiana University, the University of Colorado, and Washington University, St. Louis, and held visiting appointments at the University of London, the Panteios School in Athens, the International University of Japan, Doshisha University (Kyoto), and the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna). He is past president of the Society of Retired Faculty and Staff, Boston... More About Author

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