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James W.E. Sheptycki

His special research expertise revolves around issues of transnational crime and policing. He has written on a variety of substantive criminological topics including domestic violence, serial killers, money laundering, drugs, public order policing, organized crime, police accountability, intelligence-led policing, witness protection, risk and insecurity. He is currently engaged in research concerning ‘guns, crime and social order’.

Are we heading on the path of Inclusive Development?

After experiencing dramatic structural changes and transition recessions following independence, Central Asian economies have been able to recover and experience high rates of growth and declining poverty rates over the last 15 years. The challenge for Central Asian countries over the next 30–40 years is to sustain a rapid growth path, pursue their transformation and integration into the global economy, and ensure a gradual convergence towards the more developed countries.

Editorial Dignity at Work policy

Sage policy on abusive behavior and bullying in relation to editorial processes

We are committed to supporting all individuals’ right to dignity and safety in their work, and we do not tolerate abusive treatment or bullying of our staff, or any other parties involved in any aspect of the editorial process, including editors, editorial board members, authors, journal editorial staff, or others.  Additionally, we may choose not to engage in a publishing transaction or relationship where we determine that doing so would compromise these values.

SAGE Publishing Statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic

SAGE Publishing's thoughts are with the higher education teaching and research communities we serve as together we navigate this difficult time. We are committed to doing what we can to support you. 

We know that the work of the research community will be critical to addressing the challenge of COVID-19. To support this, we have taken a number of actions, for example: 

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Unlock the potential of your research: 8 reasons to publish with Sage 

At Sage, we understand that every researcher's journey is unique. That's why we offer a diverse range of publishing options to meet your needs, whether it's open access, subscription, or hybrid models.  

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