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The following is a complete list of SAGE journals listed by alphabetic order. Click on each letter then journal title to link to the individual rate card.
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The following is a complete list of SAGE journals listed by alphabetic order. Click on each letter then journal title to link to the individual rate card.
Mental health of women is often looked at from a biomedical lens. Often issues resulting out of globalising economic and cultural forces are neglected. The concepts of mental illness, distress are not just determined by the structures present in society but are also mediated by the interaction between the structures and individuals.
‘Social exclusion’ referred to those who were not protected by the welfare state and were considered social misfits. The ‘socially excluded’ encompasses the mentally and physically handicapped, the aged and invalid, drug users, delinquents and suicidal people. It essentially includes those who were marginalised by main stream society, prominent among them being the mentally ill. The negative consequences of social exclusion are compounded by a stigmatising attitude to the mentally ill.
Companies are basically using two types of advertising appeals in the advertisements to communicate with the customers which are rational or informational appeal and emotional or transformational appeals. However, the effectiveness of the advertising message depends upon a number of factors such as presentation style, attractiveness of the endorsers, creative appeal, etc. Nonetheless, advertisers are very much interested in knowing how consumers process the information provided in the advertisement and how they perceive it, as it directly affects the response of the consumer.
15 January 2018: Endorsements are advertising messages which reflect findings or experience of someone other than the sponsor. It can be in the form of verbal statements, demonstrations or depictions of the name, signature, likeness or other identifying personal characteristics of an individual or the name or seal of an organization. Most of the endorsement advertisement includes celebrities, consumer, company professionals and experts.
What are Plain Language Summaries (PLS)?
Adequate and affordable housing is crucial to ensure a dignified life with physical, psychological, social and economic security for the people of a country but growing concentration of people in urban areas has resulted in an increase in the number of people living in slums and squatter settlements. Skyrocketing prices of land and real estate in urban areas have induced the poor and the economically weaker sections of the society to occupy the marginal lands typified by poor housing stock, congestion and obsolescence.
With an effort to fortify the millennium development goal (MDGs) of gender equality and women empowerment (UNO, 2002), many legislations and policies have been formulated and implemented. It is apparent, that over the past few decades, a host of issues related to women are discussed and vigorously debated on various platforms.
“For over thirty years, our journal has been published and produced by Sage. Having a publisher with an outstanding academic reputation, high skilled persons, with global coverage, is essential for our journal.”
Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson, Co-Editors, Economic and Industrial Democracy (Uppsala University, Sweden)
See below for a list of conferences and events that we attended or hosted in China in 2024.
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