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50 Results Found for "Professional Books"



As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process Sage has become a supporting member of ORCID®, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID.


As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process SAGE has become a supporting member of ORCID®, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID.


The environment at Sage is personal and inviting. Placing a high value on the relationship with our authors, we work diligently to form strong publishing partnerships.

Consortia Subscriptions

Offerings from Sage for Library Consortia

In response to research and feedback from our market, including discussions with the library community, Sage has expanded its offerings to consortia customers. We now provide all of the following purchase options to library consortia. 

Why Sage? Rewards for active Sage Editorial Board Members

Why join one of Sage’s Editorial Boards?

We understand that as an engaged member of the research community, you have a multitude of commitments competing for your attention alongside your day-to-day work – whether it’s applying for grants, securing funding, writing and peer-reviewing academic papers, teaching, presenting at or attending conferences – the list is endless.
