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50 Results Found for "Professional Books"



Building on Sage's tradition of publishing high-quality scholarly works for more than 35 years, we are concentrating our efforts on providing upper-level undergraduate and graduate textbooks, handbooks, and professional books. Our Books Division also includes the Sage Reference program, which publishes encyclopedias and other reference works. Sage currently publishes more than 800 titles per year worldwide across its imprints, and has over 12,000 titles in print.

Reference Books

Sage Knowledge hosts thousands of carefully selected titles by world-class authors on hot topics across the social sciences. It includes academic and supplementary titles that contribute to the knowledge base of students and researchers, foundational books in core areas of research and debate, accessible student reference, and numerous practical professional titles in education.

Exploring careers at SAGE

As an academic and professional publisher, Sage offers a rich variety of career opportunities. Sage is an equal opportunity employer and subscribes to this concept as a matter of sound business policy.

Sage offers positions dedicated to Commissioning, Editorial, Marketing, Production, Publishing Services, Information Technology, Finance, Customer Service, Human Resources and Administration and other support functions. This section provides an overview of responsibilities within these areas.


Sage is the world’s leading independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research.


Sage is the world’s leading independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research. As a professional publisher of books, electronic media, and more than 1000 journals, we offer the opportunity for your research to reach an international community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students who span a wide range of subject areas.

SAGE partners with The Neotia University (TNU) to institute short-term professional courses in Editing

31 March 2017: Leading independent academic and professional publisher, SAGE in collaboration with The Neotia University institutes short-term professional courses in editing with an aim to support graduates in pursuing a career in publishing. SAGE believes in playing a creative role in society by disseminating teaching and research on a global scale, the cornerstones of which are good, long-term relationships, a focus on our markets, and an ability to combine quality and innovation.



SAGE publishes a fast growing list of high-quality textbooks, that will meet both Instructor and student needs. From Leadership and Marketing, to Education and Sociology, our critical, thought-provoking books will help in the development of future leaders, academics and managers.

Sales & Marketing

Our Sales and Marketing teams have developed an extensive range of activities to maximize the market potential of your book. You can find more details in the 'Introduction to Sales and Marketing' document below, as well as some ideas on how you can help to promote your book to your contacts and networks.

Introduction to Sales and Marketing
