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167 Results Found for "Education"


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SAGE Backfile Packages

Sage Backfile Packages

Sage Backfile Packages include electronic access to more than 630 peer-reviewed journal backfiles and over 860,000 articles. This is a one-time purchase with upgrade opportunities and a minimal hosting fee. Coverage is through the last issue of 1998 back to volume one, issue one* (content from 1999 to present included with a Sage Premier subscription).

Being an early years course student

Whether it's debating the varying perspectives on "childhood" or developing one's critical thinking skills, being an early years student can sometimes be overwhelming. We spoke to Caitlin, an undergraduate at the University of Worcester, to learn more about the challenges and highlights of studying early childhood. 

Digital Library Products

For 50 years, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students by publishing innovative and high-quality research and teaching content. Today, we publish over 1000 journals, more than 900 new books per year, and a growing range of library products on a wide range of subject areas across the social sciences, business, the humanities, and science, technology, and medicine.


What determines Entrepreneurial intent in India?

Setting up a business is the result of a long series of intricate choices. It is a procedure rather than the result of a distinct choice and the Entrepreneurial elements are not necessarily same and equal across different engagement levels of this process.

Journal Cover

Trends in Brain Drain, Gain and Circulation

Looking back into the 1960s and perhaps 1970s on the discourse and controversy of brain drain, there exists different perspectives on migration of trained (or to be trained) brains to more developed countries. From a contemporary perspective, one can see today that the issue and the phenomena of brain drain, still persists and there is plethora of literature on this subject.

How Green are Our Hotels?

Environmental management remains a neglected area in the management of hotels. But it has been seen that hotels in Bangkok are practicing environmental management practices. However, at a point they also do not want to compromise with guest comfort. The idea of Green Leaf is very innovative and the hotels are trying their best to be a part of that.
