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28 Results Found for "CQ0"


CQ Press Library

CQ Press provides the definitive reference resources for research in American government, politics, history, public policy, and current affairs. A wealth of CQ Press resources and years of journalistic and editorial expertise are combined in this indispensable reference collection. These reference products offer researchers—whether students, scholars, professionals, or interested citizens—a range of tools for discovering and understanding CQ Press's authoritative content.


CQ Researcher

The choice of students and librarians for over 90 years, CQ Researcher is the acclaimed, award-winning weekly publication that reports on current, newsworthy social issues. Researchers turn to CQ Researcher for trusted, accessible content and analysis on newsworthy social and political issues. An online subscription lets you search or browse past issues plus receive 44 new reports each year, along with updates of previous reports.


CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher is the choice of librarians, researchers, and students seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on the most vital issues shaping our world. Each weekly report offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of a single topic. Written by CQ Press's staff of experienced reporters, these reports provide up-to-date information on a wide range of social, economic, political, environmental, and international issues.

CQ Press Voting and Elections Collection

The CQ Press Voting and Elections Collection provides in-depth insight into the American voter, major and minor political parties, campaigns and elections, and historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships. This dynamic research and reference tool puts the power of a specially created elections database and the context of objective, informed analyses directly in the hands of students, scholars, researchers, and interested citizens.

CQ Press Public Affairs Collection

The CQ Press Public Affairs Collection features in-depth coverage of vital public policy issues, statistical and historical analyses, and full-text historical documents and primary source materials. Organized by 22 key public affairs topics—from Advocacy and Public Service to U.S. Congress and Politics—in a fully integrated reference source, the collection provides invaluable context for today’s critical debates.

CQ Press Supreme Court Collection

The CQ Press Supreme Court Collection blends historical analysis with timely updates and expert commentary of Supreme Court decisions, biographies of Supreme Court justices, Supreme Court institutional history, and the U.S. Constitution. Featuring summaries and analyses of more than 4,000 major decisions, it offers unique contextual frameworks and analysis of the Court and its decisions unavailable in any other reference.

US Political Stats

U.S. Political Stats is a data download and visualization tool that aids researchers in finding and understanding data on the three branches of the U.S. Government (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial). Designed to be intuitive for the novice researcher yet robust enough for senior political scientists, the site allows users to create graphs, charts, and maps to allow for a quick analysis of data trends.
