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16 Results Found for "71B"


How to Be a Peer Reviewer Webinar Series

Are you considering becoming a reviewer, or want to get more involved with peer review? Our free webinar series will guide you through the process of conducting peer reviews, including:

Process for Requesting Permission

Sage Publishing has partnered with the Copyright Clearance Center for the administration of requests for permission to reuse and/or photocopy Sage content. In most cases, requests made via RightsLink®, the Copyright Clearance Center’s automated service, can be processed immediately. You may also request permission through the Copyright Clearance Center’s website at For instructions on requesting permission, see below.

Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine Collection

This collection includes 30 peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE and participating societies, encompassing over 72,832 articles. Complimentary access back to 1999, where available, is included while the current collection subscription is maintained.

Sage Journal Packages

Whether your library needs the full, interdisciplinary collection dating back to volume 1, issue 1, or a specific, focused collection targeted to your researchers’ interests, Sage can help you build the perfect fit by providing several journals package options to fit your library's needs.

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