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39 Results Found for "300"


Manuscript Submission

Please ensure the manuscript…

  • Is a Word file (.doc or .docx) or TeX file.
  • Conforms to the appropriate style throughout (APA, AMA, etc.).
  • Is the final version for publication, with developmental editing completed.
  • Includes title, short title, abstract, and keywords.
  • Includes names, e-mails, affiliations, degrees, and biographies for ALL authors and a mailing address for the corresponding author.

Participant Consent Form

Sage consent form for the publication of individual-level information

The publication of individual-level information (e.g. personal medical information/images in a case report, but applicable to any publication containing this type of information such as research reports containing individual participant details) requires the informed consent of the person – or their appropriate proxy – whose information is to be published.


每年都有 200 万篇学术论文被发表。如此数量庞大的研究产出,如何让您发表的研究成果引起行业相关人员的关注到并得到传播的机会?

Sage一直致力于帮助中国学者扩大其学术影响力。 2019年启动的 “Sage 学者之声” 项目已经采访了数十位教授和学者,并在Sage中国或全球官方渠道传播他们在各自学术领域取得的优异研究成果。

为惠及更多的作者,Sage推出“中国作者研究推广助力计划” 。如果您觉得近期在Sage旗下期刊发表的研究值得被传播,欢迎您与我们联系!我们将协助您在多个Sage中国官方社交媒体平台或者亚太地区的官方社交媒体推广您的学术研究。您发表研究的曝光量、阅读及下载量等将有机会得以提。



Supporting you in this new environment

To help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of the online teaching transition and working in a post-COVID world, we've assembled the following resources. Curated by experts, they are based on extensive research to tailor to your current needs.

Types of Peer Review

Peer review is “a process where scientists (“peers”) evaluate the quality of other scientists’ work. By doing this, they aim to ensure the work is rigorous, coherent, uses past research and adds to what we already know.” This quote comes from an explainer on The Conversation, which you can read here

Mexico (UNAM)

Sage has an agreement with Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) to publish articles open access. The agreement for participating organizations will run from January 01, 2023, through to December 31, 2025. The details of the agreement are as follows:

Mexico (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, UAM)

Sage has an agreement with Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana to publish articles open access. The agreement for participating organizations will run from January 01, 2023 through to December 31, 2025. The details of the agreement are as follows: 

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and have an article accepted for publication between January 01, 2023 and December 31, 2025. 

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav) - Mexico

Sage has an agreement with Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional to publish articles open access The agreement for participating organizations will run from January 1, 2024, through to December 31, 2024. The details of the agreement are as follows: 

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional and have an article accepted for publication between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024. 

Promote your article – and maximise your impact

Every year, 2 million academic papers are published. With such a large volume of research output, how do you get your published research noticed by industry stakeholders and get the opportunity to disseminate it?

Sage has been committed to helping Chinese scholars expand their academic impact. The “Sage Scholars' Voices” program launched in 2019 has already interviewed dozens of professors and scholars and disseminated their outstanding research results in their respective academic fields on Sage China or global official channels.
