Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation
- Mary Kane - Concept Systems, Inc.
- William M. K. Trochim - Cornell University, USA
Mary Kane and Bill Trochim are the public face of “concept mapping” for most us who do planning and evaluation in public health. This volume is an enormously helpful and comprehensive look at concept mapping not only for those unfamiliar with the concept, but for those, like me, who have experienced the approach as a consumer, but have interest in the intricacies of the “hows” and “added value” of concept mapping over other approaches. Best of all, they do an exceptional job of using concept mapping to integrate planning and evaluation, linking the hermetically sealed boxes in which these disciplines often live in large organizations.
"At last, an up-to-date, how-to-text on concept mapping in evaluation!...Mary Kane and William Trochim, instrumental in the development and promotion of concept mapping, have finally produced such book, which will enable experienced evaluators and program planners to add concept mapping to their suite of methods."
Very useful book!
The design of interventions is an area that demands attention to detail and a series of recognised stages in order to produce the best intervention and to be able to evaluate its impact as robustly as possible. This text covers a key element of intervention design for year 3 and post grad students and demonstrates some of the complexities of intervention design, implementation and evaluation.
Too complex for the level of student.