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Community Youth Development

Community Youth Development
Programs, Policies, and Practices

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Adolescence | Family Studies | Youth Work

464 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This edited text focuses on positive approaches to youth development that are rapidly supplanting the traditional deficit-oriented, problem-reduction approach. The book addresses the question; what does it take to create a community that will promote the positive opportunities that can optimize the development of all young people? The book draws together the perspectives of top names and programs in positive youth development, thus assuring readers of authoritative, cutting-edge coverage.
Daniel F. Perkins (Pennsylvania State University), Lynne M. Borden (University of Arizona), Joanne G. Keith (Michigan State University), Tianna Hoppe-Rooney, & Francisco A. Villarruel (Michigan State University)
1. Community Youth Development: Partnership Creating a Positive World
Part I: Individual Issues
Edna Olive (ROCKET, Inc.)
2. The African-American Child & Positive Youth Development: A Journey from Support to Sufficiency
Michael C. Rodriguez (University of Minnesota), Diana Morrobel (Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center), & Francisco A. Villarruel (Michigan State University)
3. Research Realities & a Vision of Success for Latino Youth Development
Tamara C. Cheshire & Walter T. Kawamoto (California State University, Sacramento)
4. Positive Youth Development in Urban American Indian Adolescents
Jennifer G. Roffman, Carola Suárez-Orozco (Harvard University Graduate School of Education), & Jean E. Rhodes (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
5. Facilitating Positive Development in Immigrant Youth: The Role of Mentors & Community Organizations
Jill Denner (ETR Associates) & Amy Griffin (Michigan State University)
6. The Role of Gender in Enhancing Program Strategies for Healthy Youth Development
Stephen T. Russell (University of California, Davis, & 4-H Center for Youth Development) & Nikki Sigler Andrews
7. Adolescent Sexuality & Positive Youth Development
Esther Onaga, Marsha Carolan, Cathryn Maddalena, & Francisco A. Villarruel (all of Michigan State University)
8. Positive Development for Youth with Disabilities: Lessons Learned from Two Stories of Success
Part II: The Intersection of Youth and Community Programs
Linda L. Caldwell & Cheryl K. Baldwin (both of Pennsylvania State University)
9. A Serious Look at Leisure: The Role of Leisure Time & Recreation Activities in Positive Youth Development
Theresa M. Ferrari (Ohio State University)
10. Working Hand in Hand: Community Youth Development & Career Development
David Brown, Edward DeJesus, Sarah Maxwell, & Vincent Schiraldi
11. Workforce & Youth Development for Court-Involved Youth: Barriers & Promising Approaches
Karen L. Pace (Michigan State University)
12. The Character of Moral Communities: A Community Youth Development Approach to Enhancing Character Development
Constance Flanagan & Beth Van Horn (both of Pennsylvania State University)
13. Youth Civic Development: A Logical Next Step in Community Youth Development
Melissa S. Quon Huber (Michigan State University), Jeff Frommeyer, Amy Weisenbach, and Jennifer Sazama
14. Giving Youth a Voice in Their Own Community & Personal Development: Strategies & Impacts of Bringing Youth to the Table
Part III: Youth Professionals, Communities, and Youth
Daniel F. Perkins (Pennsylvania State University) & Lynne M. Borden (University of Arizona)
15. Key Elements of Community Youth Development Programs
Angela J. Huebner (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
16. Positive Youth Development: The Role of Competence
Nicole Yohalem (The Forum for Youth Investment)
17. Adults Who Make a Difference: Identifying the Skills & Characteristics of Successful Youth Workers
Joyce A. Walker (University of Minnesota)
18. The Essential Youth Worker: Supports & Opportunities for Professional Success
Francisco A. Villarruel (Michigan State University), Daniel F. Perkins (Pennsylvania State University), Lynne M. Borden (University of Arizona), & Joanne G. Keith (Michigan State University)
19. Community Youth Development: Youth Voice & Activism
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Contributors

"I am highly enthusiastic about this work….this volume will be a watershed event in the field of applied developmental science (ADS) generally and, more specifically, in the study and enhancement of youth development….The editors of this book are among the premier ADS scholars in the youth development field. Indeed, their leadership has been, I would guess, the reason they have been able to assemble such a "star-studded" group of contributors to this project."

Richard M. Lerner
Tufts University

It is an interesting supplement that provides a broad perspective. It is a recommended but not required class. Our MSc students are not as likely to purchase it, but the doctorate students in the class will purchase it.

Dr Ryan Flett
Physical Activity and Sport Science, West Virginia University
June 7, 2013

Francisco A. Villarruel

Francisco A. Villarruel (Ph.D., 1990, University of Wisconsin, Madison) is an Associate Professor of Family & Child Ecology at Michigan State University and a Research Associate with the Institute for Children, Youth, and Families, a university-wide research and outreach unit promoting positive development of children, youth, and families in communities through the application of the scholarly resources of Michigan State. He is affiliated with the Julian Samora Research Institute, which generates applies knowledge to serve the needs of Latino communities in the Midwest. Since joining Michigan State in 1992, Dr. Villarruel has... More About Author

Daniel Francis Perkins

Daniel F. Perkins (Ph.D., 1995, Michigan State University) is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist within the Agricultural and Extension Education Program of the Pennsylvania State University. Prior to coming to Penn State in 2000, he worked in the Family and Child Ecology Department at Michigan State and the Family, Youth, and Community Sciences Program of the University of Florida. His research area is family and youth resiliency and policy, with a focus on strengthening the capacity of families, youth, and communities to be partners in building strong families, fostering positive youth development, and creating caring, safe... More About Author

Lynne M. Borden

Lynne M. Borden (Ph.D., 1997, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Division of Family Studies and Human Development at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Dr. Borden's scholarly interests focus on the contribution and the relationship between multiple contexts such as structured out-of-school programs, schools, families and communities on positive development of young people. She worked as an elementary school teacher and middle school counselor before returning to academia to focus on issues relating to children, youth, and families. Since returning to academia, she has... More About Author

Joanne G. Keith

Joanne G. Keith (Ph.D., 1977, Michigan State University) is a Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Family and Child Ecology at Michigan State University, where she has taught since 1977. Her appointment includes scholarship through research, teaching, and outreach. She has integrated these areas in a variety of state, national, and international professional experiences. Her current areas of outreach and research include: an assets-based approach to positive youth development; indicators of the status and demographic trends related to children, youth, and families at the national, state, county, and community levels;... More About Author

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