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Community-Based Corrections

Community-Based Corrections
A Text/Reader

January 2011 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A companion website is available for this text

Community Based Corrections: A Text/Reader is a text-reader that includes a collection of carefully selected, edited articles on community-based corrections that have previously appeared in a number of leading criminal justice academic journals. This book is a substitute for a 'standard' community-based corrections textbook, without becoming 'standard' because it will include text and original articles along with current research.

The book is divided into eleven Sections that will include 15 pages of authored text and 3-4 significant research-based articles with a policy orientation. The articles will provide the reader with a grasp of the development and current status of research on the various community-based corrections topics.

Ancillaries include instructor and student resource sites. Instructors will be provided test questions and PowerPoint slides. Materials on the student study site will include self-study quizzes and extra articles for each section of the book.

Section I. History and Development of Community-Based Corrections
How to Read a Research Article

1. The Ethics of Community-Based Sanctions, by Andrew von Hirsch

2. What Influences Offenders' Willingness to Serve Alternative Sanctions? by David C. May and Peter B. Wood

3. When the Policy Becomes the Problem: Criminal Justice in the New Millennium, by Sara Steen and Rachel Bandy

Section II. Pretrial Release and Diversion

4. The Impact of Gender and Race-Ethnicity in the Pretrial Release Process, by Stephen Demuth and Darrell Steffensmeier

5. State Administration of Drug Courts: Exploring Issues of Authority, Funding, and Legitimacy, by Cary Heck and Aaron Roussell

Section III. Restorative Justice

6. Restorative Practices in Instituttional Settings and at Release: Victim Wrap Around Programs, by Martha Henderson Hurley

7. The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Practices: A Meta-Analysis, by Jeff Latimer, Craig Dowden, and Danielle Muise

Section IV. The Viability of Treatment Perspectives

8. A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Thinking for a Change: A "Real-World" Application, by Christopher T. Lowenkamp, Dana Hubbard, Matthew D. Makarios, and Edward J. Latessa

9. Offender Coercion in Treatment: A Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness, by Karen K. Parhar, J. Stephen Wormith, Dena M. Derkzen, and Adele M. Beauregard

Section V. Assessment and Risk Prediction

10. The LSI-R and the COMPAS: Validation Data on Two Risk-Needs Tools, by Tracy L. Fass, Kirk Heilbrun, David DeMatteo, and Ralph Fretz

11. Can 14,737 Women Be Wrong? A Meta-Analysis of the LSI-R and Recidivism for Female Offenders, by Paula Smith, Francis T. Cullen, and Edward J. Latessa

Section VI. Probation Management and Case Planning

12. Attorney Views on the Use of Private Agencies for Probation Supervision and Treatment, by Leanne Fiftal Alarid and Christine S. Schloss

13. From the Inside: The Meaning of Probation to Probationers, by Brandon K. Applegate, Hayden P. Smith, Alicia H. Sitren, and Nicolette Fariello Springer

14. Gender Matters: Differences in State Probation Officer Stress, by Terry Wells, Sharla Colbert, and Risdon N. Slate

Section VII. Community-Based Residential Intermediate Sanctions

15. Removing a Nail From the Boot Camp Coffin: An Outcome Evaluation of Minnesota's Challenge Incarceration Program, by Grant Duwe and Deborah Kerschner

16. Post-Release Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, by Kathryn E. McCollister, Michael T. French, James A. Inciardi, Clifford A. Butzin, Steven S. Martin, and Robert M. Hooper

Section VIII. Community-Based Nonresidential and Economic Intermediate Sanctions

17. The Effectiveness of Community Service Sentences Compared to Traditional Fines for Low-Level Offenders, by Jeffrey A. Bouffard and Lisa R. Mufti

18. Day Reporting Center Completion: Comparison of Individual and Multilevel Models, by Amy Craddock

19. Under Surveillance: An Empirical Test of the Effectiveness and Consequences of Electronic Monitoring, by Kathy G. Padgett, William D. Bales, and Thomas G. Blomberg

Section IX. Parole Management, Case Planning, and Reentry

20. Does Parole Work? - Revisited: Reframing the Discussion of the Impact of Postprison Supervision on Offender Outcome, by Melinda D. Schlager and Kelly Robbins

21. "Punishment on the Installment Plan": Individual-Level Predictors of Parole Revocations in Four States, by Sara Steen and Tara Opsal

Section X. Juvenile Offenders

22. An Experimental Juvenile Probation Program: Effects on Parent and Peer Relationships, by Eve Brank, Jodi Lane, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, and Amber Sehgal

23. Reconciling the Differences Between the "Gender-Responsive" and the "What Works" Literatures to Improve Services for Girls, by Dana Jones Hubbard and Betsy Matthews

Section XI. Specialized and Problematic Offender Typologies in a Changing Era

24. Closing the Revolving Door? Substance Abuse Treatment as an Alternative to Traditional Sentencing for Drug-Dependent Offenders, by Tara D. Warner and John H. Kramer

25. Assessment of Community Reintegration on Planning for Sex Offenders: Poor Planning Predicts Recidivism, by Gwenda M. Willis and Randolph C. Grace

Credits and Sources
About the Authors


Companion Website
  • A password-protected Instructor Teaching Site includes test questions and PowerPoint slides
  • An open-access Student Study Site includes self-study quizzes, as well as additional articles for each section of the book

This book provides excellent research examples that allow students to not only better understand community corrections, but also understand how research in the area is conducted.

Mr Michael Alan Hollingsworth
Political Science , Univ Of South Alabama-Baldwin
January 14, 2016

The text book offers useful insights in the area of community corrections. The text book is a must reader for correctional officers and practitioners

Mr Gwatirera Javangwe
Psychology, University of Zimbabwe
June 10, 2015

Considering for Fall 2012 semester

Roscoe Thomas
Criminal Justice Dept, Westfield State College
January 20, 2012

Good combination of current information with current and classic readings in each area.

Professor Rich Wallace
Sociology Dept, University of Wisconsin - River Falls
January 11, 2012

Easy to follow and use for an on-line course

Mr Ronald Kelly
Arts Sciences Div, Pennsylvania State University - Schuylkill Cap College
August 20, 2011

Shannon M. Barton-Bellessa

Shannon M. Barton-Bellessa is a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Indiana State University. She earned her undergraduate degree from Kentucky Wesleyan College, her master's degree from Eastern Kentucky University, and her PhD from the University of Cincinnati. Her journal publications have been in the area of community corrections, correctional officer job satisfaction, cognitive programming, and the juvenile justice system. More About Author

Robert D. Hanser

Robert D. Hanser is a professor of criminal justice and the coordinator of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Dr. Hanser has a PhD in marriage and family therapy and a PhD in criminal justice. He also has graduate degrees in psychology (psychometrics emphasis), counseling, social work, and substance abuse administration. He is a national certified counselor, a licensed professional counselor in the states of Louisiana and Texas, a licensed addiction counselor, a certified hypnotherapist, and a certified anger management therapist. Dr. Hanser worked as a correctional officer at Eastham State Prison,... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781412987462