Clued in to Politics
A Critical Thinking Reader in American Government
Fourth Edition
Edited by:
- Christine Barbour - Indiana University, USA
- Matthew J. Streb - Northern Illinois University, USA
Other Titles in:
American Government & Politics
American Government & Politics
November 2013 | 424 pages | CQ Press
Clued in to Politics is a collection of contemporary American government readings (more than half new to this edition) that uses proven pedagogy for modeling critical thinking. The editors write a contextual headnote—“why we chose this piece”—and then follow every reading with questions that employ the CLUES method: Consider the source, Lay out the argument, Uncover the evidence, Evaluate the conclusion, and Sort out the political implications. By consistently walking students through a process for close reading and analysis, students pick up the habit of critical thinking and internalize a process that moves them far beyond regurgitating information. The chapters line up with coverage in introductory American government texts.
Chapter 1 Introduction to American Politics
Ezra Klein
Robert D. Putnam
John F. Kennedy
Chapter 2 Political Culture and Ideology
David Brooks
Arthur C. Brooks
Kate Gluek
Ronald Brownstein
Thomas Edsall
Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 3 Immigration and American Demographics
Jose Antonio Vargas
Joel Kotkin
Lawrence E. Harrison
Eugene Robinson
Martin Luther King Jr.
Chapter 4 Federalism and the Constitution
Keith Olbermann
Editorial, The Press Democrat
Sanford Levinson
James Madison
Chapter 5 Civil Liberties
Jill Lawrence
Barry W. Lynn
David Simon
Dahlia Lithwick
Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 6 Civil Rights
Jamie Gumbrecht
Frank Bruni
Dana Milbank
Barack Obama
Chapter 7 Congress
Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein
Ira Shapiro
Adam Liptak
Sam Wang
Margaret Chase Smith
Chapter 8 The Presidency
Editorial, New York Times
John Dickerson
Andrew Sullivan
Ryan Lizza
Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 9 Bureaucracy
Hugo Martin
Jeffrey Toobin
Michael M. Grynbaum
Harry S. Truman
Chapter 10 The Courts
Jeffrey Rosen
Jeffrey Toobin
Adam Liptak
Linda Greenhouse
Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 11 Public Opinion
Matthew Robinson
Tom Bartlett
Mark Mellman
Joshua Green
George Horace Gallup and Saul Forbes Rae
Chapter 12 Political Parties
William Yeomans
David Frum
Steve LaTourette
Kurt Andersen
George Washington
Chapter 13 Interest Groups
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jodi Kantor
Chris Kirkham
Dave Leventhal
James Madison
Chapter 14 Voting and Elections
Sasha Issenberg
Michael Waldman
John Wonderlich
Al Gore
Chapter 15 The Media
Clay Shirky
Ben Smith and Ruby Cramer
Joe Scarborough
Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen
Ryan Holmes
William Randolph Hearst
Chapter 16 Domestic Policy
Barry Siegel
George Condon Jr. and Jim O’Sullivan
Mitch McConnell
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Chapter 17 Foreign Policy
George Packer
Steve Bonta
David Petraeus and Michael O’Hanlon
Ronald Reagan
Short, topical readings. Love the rationale at the beginning of each reading about why the authors selected it and the discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Political Science Dept, Baldwin-Wallace College
October 6, 2016