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Case Studies for Ethics in Academic Research in the Social Sciences

Case Studies for Ethics in Academic Research in the Social Sciences

April 2012 | 104 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This book provides a basis for class discussion about the responsible conduct of social science research. These 16 brief research ethics cases describe situations in which ethical dilemmas arise and present the student with the opportunity to think through the different implications for researchers. The cases emphasize different types of ethical dilemmas involving faculty, students, participants, and stakeholders. Students can discuss what happened, why it was or was not unethical, and what should be the consequences for the actors. Included are the original cases complete with learning objectives, teaching notes, and questions for discussion.
Chapter 1. Research Misconduct
Chapter 2. Protection of Human Subjects
Chapter 3. Conflict of Interest
Chapter 4. Data Management Practices
Chapter 5. Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities
Chapter 6. Collaborative Research
Chapter 7. Authorship and Publication
Chapter 8. Peer Review

“The authors do a great job of providing very thought-provoking cases covering a broad array of ethical issues in a variety of social science research settings.”

Scott Vollum
James Madison University

“These thorough case studies provide an effective gateway for entering into class discussions that can reveal contemporary approaches and understandings of the ethical issues involved in the conduct and publication of social science research. I think the cases presented are exceptionally well thought-out and presented at an appropriate level for graduate students.”

T. Gregory Barrett
University of Arkansas

“This book fills a gap in the literature. It is readable. It is a good teaching tool. The broad range of topics covers many issues of concern to all social scientists. Topics overlooked in most textbooks are included here (e.g., consulting, misdeeds, mentor/student relationships, data management, conflict of interests). The case study approach is an excellent way of adding the material to courses on ethics, research methods, or professional practice. The questions provide an opportunity for critical thinking and debate.”

Sue Ann Taylor
American University

Sample Materials & Chapters


ch 1

ch 4 & 5

Leisa Reinecke Flynn

Leisa Reinecke Flynn is Professor of Marketing and Chair of Marketing and Fashion Merchandising at the University of Southern Mississippi where she teaches market planning to MBA students. Originally from New Orleans, she received her PhD from the University of Alabama and taught at Florida State University for nearly 20 years before moving to USM in 2010. Her research is focused on psychological measurement issues in consumer behavior and pathological exchange behavior and she has published more than 60 articles in journals and academic proceedings. In addition she has consulted in the areas of educational assessment and loss of retail... More About Author

Ronald E. Goldsmith

Ronald E. Goldsmith, Ph.D., is the Richard M. Baker Professor of Marketing in the College of Business at Florida State University where he teaches consumer behavior and marketing research. Most of his research focuses on personality’s role in consumer behavior and measurement issues, especially in the areas of diffusion of innovations, consumer involvement, and services marketing. He was a co-editor (North America) for The Service Industries Journal from 1991 to 2010. He has published over 150 articles in such journals as The Journal of Services Marketing, The Journal of Consumer Behaviour, The Journal of Advertising, The European Journal... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781412996389

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