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Capitalism and Business

Capitalism and Business

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2015 | 1 264 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Debates around the origins, nature, value, effectiveness and sustainability of various ‘models’ of capitalism have become increasingly prominent since the collapse of the state socialist political and economic systems in the early 1990s. 


While comparative studies of the differing configurations of business and political systems have always been relevant and important, these discussions toward the end of the 20th century marked the arrival of the distinct field of study often labelled the ‘varieties of capitalism’ school of thought.


Developments in the field and in the broader macro-economy since that time have been very substantial, and the literature selected for this Major Work provides a much-needed comprehensive overview of these developments, going back to the Cold War era to explore some of the earlier discussions of the divergence and convergence of ‘industrial models’, and progressing back through to the modern day by incorporating critiques and newer developments in ‘varieties of capitalism’ theorising. 


The Spirit of Capitalism

Max Weber
Freedom in a Complex Society

Karl Polanyi
Industrialization, Management, and Ideological Appeals

Reinhard Bendix
Pluralistic Industrialism

Clark Kerr, John Dunlop, Frederick Harbison and Charles Myers
Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective

Alexander Gerschenkron
The Argument in Brief

Andrew Shonfield
Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony

John Meyer and Brian Rowan
The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields

Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell
Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness

Mark Granovetter
Clio and the Economics of QWERTY

Paul David
Crafting an Analytic Framework I: Three Pillars of Institutions

William Scott
The Régulation School, the Employment Relation and Financialization

John Grahl and Paul Teague
System, Society and Dominance Effects in Cross-National Organisational Analysis

Chris Smith and Peter Meiksins
An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism

Peter Hall and David Soskice
Varieties of Capitalism

Richard Whitley
Institutional Complementarity and Diversity of Social Systems of Innovation and Production

Bruno Amable
Positive-Sum Solutions in a World of Trade-Offs?

Gosta Esping-Andersen
The Comparative Study of Organizational Paradigms

Mauro Guillén
Managing for Ford

Ken Starkey and Alan McKinlay
Soviet Marxism and the Ending of Mass Unemployment

David Lane
Where Are We Now? Musings of an Evolutionist

Ronald Dore
Standort Deutschland in the Globalising Economy: An End to the Economic Miracle?

Rebecca Harding
Many Roads to Flexibility: How Large Firms Built Autarchic Regional Production Systems in France

Bob Hancké
The Decline of the British Economy: An Institutional Perspective

Bernard Elbaum and William Lazonick
The Swedish Model in Turbulent Times: Decline or Renaissance?

Dominique Anxo and Harald Niklasson
Deep Finance: The Organizational Bases of South Korea’s Financial Collapse

Nicole Biggart
The Financialization of the American Economy

Greta Krippner
Restructuring Managerial Labour in the USA, the UK, and Japan: Challenging the Salience of ‘Varieties of Capitalism’

Leo McCann, John Hassard and Jonathan Morris
The Disintegration of Organised Capitalism: German Corporate Governance in the 1990s

Jürgen Beyer and Martin Höpner
Deviant or Different? Corporate Governance in Japan and Germany

Ronald Dore
Comparative Capitalisms, Ideational Political Economy and French Post-Dirigiste Responses to the Global Financial Crisis

Ben Clift
Is the European Social Model Fragmenting?

John Grahl and Paul Teague
Unsustainable Employment Portfolios

John Buchanan, Gary Dymski, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Adam Leaver and Karel Williams
The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success: Denmark in the Global Economy

John Campbell and Ove Pedersen
From East-Asian ‘Miracle’ to Neo-liberal ‘Mediocrity’: The Effects of Liberalization and Financial Opening on the Post-crisis Korean Economy

James Crotty and Kang-Kook Lee
Why Social Democrats Become Neoliberals: Lessons from the Swedish Case

J. Magnus Ryner
What Kind of Capitalism for Russia? A Comparative Analysis

David Lane
Enlarging the Varieties of Capitalism: The Emergence of Dependent Market Economies in East Central Europe

Andreas Nölke and Arjan Vliegenthart
The Capitalist Business System of China and Its Rationale

Gordon Redding
The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Not Enough Variety?

Matthew Allen
Manifesto for a Post-Colonial International Business and Management Studies: A Provocation

R.I. Westwood and Gavin Jack
What about the Elephant in the Room? Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties in Capitalism

Ian Bruff
The State of the Art: Towards a More Dynamic Theory of Capitalist Variety

Richard Deeg and Gregory Jackson
Studying Comparative Capitalisms by Going Left and by Going Deeper

David Coates
Legal Professionals and Transnational Law-Making: A Case of Distributed Agency

Sigrid Quack
Institutional Work: Refocusing Institutional Studies of Organization

Thomas Lawrence, Roy Suddaby and Bernard Leca
Institutional Change in Varieties of Capitalism

Peter Hall and Kathleen Thelen
Pressure from Without, Subversion from Within: The Two-Pronged German Employer Offensive

Daniel Kinderman
Globalisation, Skill Formation and the Varieties of Capitalism Approach

Hugh Lauder, Phillip Brown and David Ashton
Varieties of Capitalism: Trajectories of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity

Kathleen Thelen
Neoliberalism and Its Implications for Management Practice

Alexander Styhre
Prologue to the New Spirit of Capitalism

Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello

This is a comprehensive collection of classic essays on capitalism and business is carefully selected and a must read for students and scholars interested in the field. It charts the trajectory of the intellectual development and theoretical debates around the issues of capitalism and offers rich empirical insights in various national and industrial settings. It is a very timely collection that provides food for thought for those engaging in similar studies in newly industrialised, transitional and emerging economies.

Fang Cooke
Monash University, Australia

Leo McCann

Leo McCann is Professor of Organisation Studies at Manchester Business School. His research and teaching focuses on the impacts of large-scale economic change on work and organization across numerous countries. He has written many articles on the subject of the international transformation of white-collar work in journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, and Organization Studies. He is the co-author of Managing in the Modern Corporation(Cambridge University Press, 2009), a major empirical study into the restructuring of white-collar work in the UK, USA and Japan. His research draws on the... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781473902220