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Breach of Trust

Breach of Trust
Sexual Exploitation by Health Care Professionals and Clergy

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Clinical Psychology

448 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The 1980s heralded the beginning of an awareness of sexual exploitation of clients by health care professionals and clergy. The focus then was on raising consciousness about the problem. This volume reflects the concerns of the 1990s: it explores the subject in greater depth, develops theoretical ties to other areas and proposes sophisticated solutions.

Following an introductory overview, Breach of Trust focuses on victims. Contributions include victims' first-hand accounts and discussions of support and recovery groups and individual therapy for both male and female victims and their families. The contributors then examine perpetrators: they describe innovative work being undertaken to understand the characteristics of health care and clergy perpetrators and examine what rehabilitation measures might be effective. The concluding section explores responses to the problem and includes discussions of legal matters, prevention training and boundary awareness development.

Hannah Lerman
John C Gonsiorek
John C Gonsiorek
Gary Richard Schoener
Historical Overview
Nannette K Gartrell et al
Physician-Patient Sexual Contact
Prevalence and Problems

Marie M Fortune
Is Nothing Sacred? When Sex Invades the Pastoral Relationship
Jeannette Hofstee Milgrom
Victims' Experiences
An Introduction

J Alex Acker
Alex's Story
Laurel Lewis
Growing Beyond Abuse
Melissa Roberts-Henry
Making the Leap
A Personal Story of Moving from Victim/Survivor to `Activityist'

Estelle Disch and Janet W Wohlberg
The Boston Experience
Responding to Sexual Abuse by Professionals

Peter Rutter
Lot's Wife, Sabina Spielrein, and Anita Hill
A Jungian Meditation on Sexual Boundary Abuse and Recovery of Lost Voices

Signe L Nestingen
Transforming Power
Women Who Have Been Exploited by a Professional

Walter H Bera
Clergy Sexual Abuse and Male Survivors

Ellen Thompson Luepker
Helping Direct and Associate Victims to Restore Connections after Practitioner Sexual Misconduct
Glen O Gabbard
Psychotherapists Who Transgress Sexual Boundaries with Patients
John C Gonsiorek
Assessment for Rehabilitation of Exploitative Health Care Professionals and Clergy
Richard R Irons
Inpatient Assessment of the Sexually Exploitative Professional
William L White
A Systems Perspective on Sexual Exploitation of Clients by Professional Helpers
Laura Lyn
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Therapists' Social and Sexual Interactions with Clients
Mindy Benowitz
Comparing the Experiences of Women Clients Sexually Exploited by Female versus Male Psychotherapists
John C Gonsiorek
Boundary Challenges When Both Therapist and Client Are Gay Males
Linda Mabus Jorgenson
Sexual Contact in Fiduciary Relationships
Legal Perspectives

Linda Mabus Jorgenson
Employer/Supervisor Liability and Risk Management
Gary Richard Schoener
Employer/Supervisor Liability and Risk Management
An Administrator's View

Andrew W Kane
The Effects of Criminalization of Sexual Misconduct by Therapists
Report of a Survey in Wisconsin

Melissa Roberts-Henry
Criminalization of Therapist Misconduct in Colorado
An Overview and Opinion

Rev Margo E Maris and Kevin M McDonough
How Churches Respond to the Victims and Offenders of Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Donald C Houts
Training for Prevention of Sexual Misconduct by Clergy
Nancy Biele and Elizabeth Barnhill
The Art of Advocacy
John C Gonsiorek

John C. Gonsiorek