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You Have to Go to School - You're the Principal!

You Have to Go to School - You're the Principal!
101 Tips to Make It Better for Your Students, Your Staff, and Yourself

Foreword by Vincent Ferrandino

April 2004 | 208 pages | Corwin
The 101 tips in this guide from a recent past president of NAESP reflect the wit, wisdom, integrity and experience that propelled Paul Young to the top leadership of his principal colleagues. The book is full of unique ideas and refocused essentials will improve the practice and job satisfaction of any individual serving as principal in an elementary or middle school or anyone preparing for that position. This book can become a handbook for reflective practice and help leaders to stretch their thinking. The conversational tone makes it the next best thing to having the president of NAESP as a personal mentor on the other end of the phone line. Every principal will encounter and identify with the meaning of these tips in their very own special way. The recommendations are intended as a guide to success, source of reflection and discussion, and a handbook that can be used over and over for support as principals strive to continuously improve their practice.
Part I Leadership
Part II Vision
Part III Student Learning
Part IV Adult Learning
Part V Data and Decision Making
Part VI Parents and Community Engagement
Part VII Organizational Caretaking
Part VIII Personal Caretaking
Part IX Professional Growth
Principals' Creed
About the Author
Suggested Readings

Whether you have just picked up the keys to your first school or you’ve been a principal for decades, the suggestions from Paul Young should be required—and fast—reading for every school leader. This little book is packed with good ideas. The best part, these solid tips remain constant over time and will be just as meaningful each time you pick up the book.

From the Foreword by Vincent Ferrandino
Executive Director, National Association of Elementary School Principals

Paul G. Young

Paul Young, PhD, a retired elementary principal, is currently the Executive Director of the West After School Center in Lancaster, Ohio. He began his career as a high school band director and then retrained to become a fourth grade teacher before advancing to an elementary principalship in 1986.He served as President of the Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA) in 1997 and was elected to the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Board of Directors in 1998 (the only person elected by write-in ballot). He became president-elect in 2001-2002 and served as the national president during the 2002... More About Author