Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation
Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Fred C. Lunenburg - Sam Houston State University, USA
- Beverly J. Irby - Sam Houston State University, USA
The authors discuss sources and criteria for selecting a suitable topic and cover:
- Both quantitative and qualitative research methods
-Using technology effectively
-An overview and tips on the oral defense and presentation
-Tips on adapting the thesis or dissertation for publication
-Suggestions for publishing the research
"Accurate, clearly written, and easy to understand even for the beginning researcher, with equal coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research. This is the only book where the authors combine a textbook approach to teaching research with a how-to approach."
"During 40-plus years of working with doctoral students, this reviewer has encountered a large number of manuscripts written by various professors who give advice to doctoral students in writing their research in dissertation styles. None comes close to comparing to this work done by Lunenburg and Irby, who have developed their book with a plethora of examples of every sort in order to demonstrate to the student many ways of dealing with a host of issues that are encountered in writing a dissertation."
“The best book of its kind I have ever seen. It is succinct yet thorough and includes lots of appropriate examples. It takes the reader from the process of developing a topic through all the stages of writing and defending the dissertation, up to and including presentation and publication. It is academic, pragmatic, and politically astute.”
"This is a very practical book and will be immediately usable for graduate students at any stage during their research. The multitude of examples is wonderful, and the content is very current."
"This book may soon become as dog-eared in my reference library as my APA manual. Some may see a dissertation journey as a thousand miles, but these authors help the writer see the process one step at a time."
Great book , students love it