Using Basic Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Annabel Ness Evans - Concordia University of Edmonton
A practical, conceptual, student-friendly introduction to introductory statistics
Quantitative/Statistical Research
A Respondus test bank is available for this text.
The instructor teaching site features:
- Instructor's Manual
- PowerPoints
- Test Bank
- Sample Syllabus
“Great writing, easy for students to understand, great visual aids in the text, very thorough, current.”
“The clear and concise style of presentation represents a clear strength for this text. Further, the author uses excellent examples throughout the text to illustrate key concepts and analytic approaches. The homework problems are also appropriate and helpful.”
“I like that the review question answers are provided in detail on a different page than the question. In the inferential section, the summary box is very helpful. Similarly, the outline of steps in inferential chapters [is] very clear and helpful. Realistic practice examples with the steps articulated. I like the outline type of recap after each chapter and the alerts—they address many of the questions I have heard in class...”
This seems like a very detailed book - but I am teaching undergraduates this semester, so the book looked a touch too complicated for beginners.
This is an accessible text which provides in-depth explanation and useful conceptual reviews to test understanding.
Very good publication for those involved in the wold of social sciences and in nursing and epidemiology also.
A very useful guide to statistical approaches that are applicable to a number of disciplines. The SPSS tutorials are particularly useful for the researcher requiring a refresh of the software's nuances.
I needed to have a text that would support doing analyses in SPSS... since I am too, learning it for the first time.
I recommend this book for adoption. It is a good book for students
What’s New about the Fifth Edition
As always, I considered all the reviewer suggestions when I revised this book. The reviewers of the fourth edition were consistently positive and asked for very few substantive changes. Some things were clarified, some content was added, but very little content was removed. In the fifth edition, I have included more global examples and references than in previous editions.
New Focus on Research Examples: The older Focus on Research sections have been replaced with current research examples and tied more specifically to the chapter concepts.
Inclusion of Excel Output: When appropriate, I have included examples of what the output from Excel looks like for various procedures.
Supplemental Material: There are three supplements, provided free to adopters, that accompany this new edition: the Instructor’s Resource Manual with Exercises, the Test Item File, and PowerPoint Slides. All supplements are available online and can be accessed through a password-protected section of See your local sales representative for details and access.
• Instructor’s Resource Manual with Exercises: This supplement contains Chapter Outlines and Exercises with Solutions.
• Test Item File: This supplement includes an extensive test bank containing Multiple Choice, Short Answer, True-False, and Discussion questions.
• PowerPoint Slides: PowerPoint slides outline concepts in each chapter and include a selection of figures and tables from the textbook.
I think that the fifth edition of Using Basic Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences is the best one yet, and I hope you will agree. To those of you who have been loyal users of previous editions, thank you so very much for your support over the years.