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Understanding Girl Bullying and What to Do About It

Understanding Girl Bullying and What to Do About It
Strategies to Help Heal the Divide

Edited by:

December 2012 | 152 pages | Corwin
Girl bullying, also called relational aggression, is a very real and pervasive problem in schools. Studies show that bullying is as common in girls as it is in boys, but that it can be more covert and thus more difficult for school professionals to detect and address. This book covers the causes and characteristics of relational aggression and outlines assessment, prevention, and intervention methods for counsellors, administrators, teachers, and parents. Included are sample forms and checklists that educators can use to document and address bullying for both the perpetrator and the victim. This resource blends academic, empirical, and practical perspectives to answer the questions of:

- What girl bullying is

- Why it happens

- What it looks like

- How to measure it

- How to help girls deal with incidents

List of Tables and Figures
About the Authors
1. Understanding Relational and Social Aggression
Definitions of Relational and Social Aggression


Why Use Relational and Social Aggression?

Evolutionary Psychology

Systemic (Social and Cultural) Influences

Social Learning Theory

Developmental Perspective

What Does It Feel Like to Be in a Relationally and Socially Aggressive Climate?

Rules of Engagement


2. Measuring Relational and Social Aggression
Sociometric Procedures

Questionnaires and Surveys

Teacher Rating Scales and Reports

Parent Reports

Student Self-Reports

Interview Strategies

Focus Groups


Ethical Considerations in Assessment


3. School-Based Interventions
Factors in Selecting Interventions

Primary Prevention Programs: Support for Child Development

Secondary Intervention Programs: Schoolwide Support

Tertiary Prevention Programs: Targeted Interventions for Students


4. Strategies for Working With Parents and Teachers
Working With Parents of Relationally Aggressive Girls

Using Enactments With Parents of Relationally Aggressive Girls

Working with Parents of Relationally Victimized Girls

Using Enactments with Parents of Relationally Victimized Girls

Consulting With Teachers

Consulting With Teachers in Working With Girls Who Use Relational Aggression

Consulting With Teachers in Helping Relationally Victimized Girls


5. Goodwill Girls: A Small-Group Curriculum
Using Group Counseling With Victims and Perpetrators

The Goodwill Girls Small-Group Curriculum


Appendix: Handouts for Goodwill Girls Small-Group Curriculum

“A useful tool for school counselors that outlines the root causes of girl bullying. It provides examples of ways to assess relational aggression in schools, as well as possible interventions.”

Jennifer Betters, School Counselor
Sugar Creek Elementary School, Verona, WI

“This book fills a major void in the literature and serves as a great resource for educators, mental health professionals, and parents.”

James L. Moore III, Associate Professor of Counselor Education
The Ohio State University

“This book will unquestionably help counselors do better work.”

Philip Kavanagh, Guidance Director
Lakeland Central School District, Shrub Oak, NY

“This is a well-researched book that integrates theory and research with applications.”

Carol Dahir, Associate Professor of Counselor Education
New York Institute of Technology

"This book provides useful definitions, examples, and suggestions--as well as ready-to-use surveys and small-group curriculum--making it a useful tool for a school social worker. "

Lynn R. Zakeri, School Counselor
School Social Work Journal, March 2011, Vol. 35, No. 2

Julaine E. Field

Julaine E. Field, PhD, LPC, NCC is the associate dean and an associate professor for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs College of Education. She has been employed as a counseling practitioner since 1992, which includes working as a school counselor, mental health counselor, college counselor, and in private practice. Currently, she consults with school districts, administrators, teachers, parents and students on bullying interventions and anti-bullying efforts in schools. She has also worked extensively with victims (adults and children) of domestic violence and sexual assault and has conducted crisis response trainings in... More About Author

Jered B. Kolbert

Jered B. Kolbert is an associate professor in the Department of Counseling and Development at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. Kolbert is a certified school counselor and licensed professional counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania, and he is a national certified counselor (NCC). Kolbert teaches graduate-level courses in counseling, including family counseling, life-span development, school counseling practicum, and a professional orientation course for school counselors. He has also taught at The College of William and Mary in Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University. Kolbert has worked as a school counselor, marriage and family... More About Author

Laura M. Crothers

Laura M. Crothers is an associate professor in the school psychology program in the Department of Counseling, Psychology, and Special Education at Duquesne University. Crothers, who is a New Jersey-, Pennsylvania-, and nationally-certified school psychologist, has been recognized as a national expert in childhood bullying by the National Association of School Psychologists. She teaches the graduate-level consultation seminars in school psychology at Duquesne University, and has taught courses in counseling, development, and educational psychology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Slippery Rock University. Crothers has contributed... More About Author

Tammy L. Hughes, PhD

Tammy L. Hughes is an associate professor at Duquesne University and president of the Division of School Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA). She is also the co-chair of the School Psychology Leadership Roundtable (SPLR) and is a past-president of Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP). Hughes is an associate editor for Psychology in the Schools and serves on the editorial boards of School Psychology Quarterly and International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. She is the author and coauthor of numerous books, journal articles, chapters, and other publications on child violence, differentiating... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781412964883