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Transition Portfolios for Students With Disabilities

Transition Portfolios for Students With Disabilities
How to Help Students, Teachers, and Families Handle New Settings

August 2002 | 144 pages | Corwin
Transition Portfolios for Students With Disabilities offers practical details on gathering critical information, including tips on what to include, sources, and timelines. It also shows you how to collect and include:

- Educational components, including learning style, physical influences, and environmental influences

- Accommodations to instruction, environment, or materials

- Medical information

- Students' communication styles

- Positive behaviour support plans

The authors also include a section on how to collect personal information about students, as well as sample mapping sessions as examples, and they provide easy-to-use charts and tables to help you develop a successful transition portfolio for your students with disabilities.

About the Authors
1. Gathering Information to Create a Transition Portfolio
Contents of a Portfolio

Sources of Information

Timelines for Developing a Portfolio


2. Collecting Personal Information About the Student
Information-Gathering Techniques


Additional Resources

3. Including Medical Information in a Portfolio
Components of a Medical Section


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4. Educational Programming
Educational Components of a Portfolio


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5. Adaptations and Supports
Assistive Technology

Individualized Accomodations to Instruction, Environment, or Materials

Specialized Accomodations for Visual and Hearing Impairments

Assistance From Other People


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6. Special Considerations for Students With Physical Impairments
Appropriate Positioning of Students With Physical Impairments


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7. Communication
Documenting the Student's Receptive and Expressive Communication

Communication Opportunities

Communication Partners and Communication Topics

Teaching Communication Skills


Additional Resources

8. Behavior Support and Reinforcement Strategies
Effective Reinforcement Strategies

Functional Behavior Assessment

Underlying Assumptions

Completing a Functional Behavior Assessment

Developing a Positive Behavior Support Plan


Additional Resources

9. Teaming, Problem Solving, and Keeping Notes
Elements of an Effective Collaborative Team

Getting Organized and Making Decisions

Collaborative Problem Solving

Writing It All Down


Additional Resources

Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Suzie's Case Study
Appendix B: Steve's Case Study
Appendix C: Patrick's Case Study

"This book on transition portfolios provides state-of-the-art information on transitioning needs of a wide range of students with disabilities, including those with the most complex needs. Filled with practical ideas and strategies, this book supports the efforts of teachers and families to help the student progress successfully through the educational experience." 

June Downing, Professor
California State University, Northridge

MaryAnn Demchak

MaryAnn Demchak has worked in the field of special education for over 20 years as a classroom teacher, project director, and university professor. She has direct experience with individuals with severe, multiple disabilities and experience with those who have mild disabilities. Currently, she teaches courses in severe, multiple disabilities at the Univeristy of Nevada, Reno as well as directs a technical assistance project for students who are deafblind. She has numerous publications and conference presentations related to various special education issues (e.g., instruction of students with severe, multiple disabilities; planning for... More About Author

Robin G. Greenfield

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ISBN: 9780761945840