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Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
In Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research, the authors provide extensive and practical coverage of theory and its role in qualitative research, a review of the literature that currently exists on theoretical frameworks, a clear and concise definition of what a theoretical framework is and how one goes about finding one, and real-world examples of theoretical frameworks effectively employed by some of the world's leading qualitative researchers. The book will be invaluable to students and researchers who want to find detailed examples of their design options and who are still working through the various frameworks they could employ.
Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. and Norma T. Mertz
Joyce L. Henstrand
Chapter 1: Seeking Understanding of School Culture: Using Theory as a Framework for Observation and Analysis
Sharan B. Merriam
Chapter 2: Transformational Learning and HIV-Positive Young Adults
Frances C. Fowler
Chapter 3: Struggling with Theory: A Beginning Scholar’s Experience with Mazzoni’s Arena Models
Pamela J. Bettis and Michael R. Mills
Chapter 4: Liminality and the Study of a Changing Academic Landscape
Michael R. Mills and Pamela J. Bettis
Chapter 5: Organizational Identity and Identification during a Departmental Reorganization
Irene E. Karpiak
Chapter 6: Chaos and Complexity as a Framework for Understanding Social Workers at Midlife
Kerri S. Kearney and Adrienne E. Hyle
Chapter 7: A Look through the Kubler-Ross Theoretical Lens
Edward L. Harris
Chapter 8: Mary Douglas’s Typology of Grid and Group
Carol A. Mutch
Chapter 9: Adapting Bourdieu’s Field Theory to Explain Decision-Making Processes in Educational Psychology
Catherine A. Lugg
Chapter 10: On Politics and Theory: Using an Explicitly Activist Theory to Frame Educational Research
Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. and Norma T. Mertz
The Editors
The Contributors

"Although the book is aimed at graduate students and novice researchers, its content-especially the introduction-has value to all social science researchers, regardless of whether they pursue qualitative or quantitative research."

Peter Hernon
Simmons College

Chose another book that was more relevant

Dr Christopher Weiler
Elementary Education Dept, Kutztown University
April 14, 2015

This is a good resource for postgraduate students who are coming to grips with the influence of their epistemology on their research.

Mr Gerry Myers
Dept of Education & Professional Studies, University of Limerick
June 4, 2014

Excellent and well structured text.

Mrs Christine Cattermole
UCO, University Campus Oldham
April 8, 2014

Excellent book for all health professions and for all levels of research students. Easy to read and well laid out

Ms Sheila Stott
School of Education, Northumbria University
November 27, 2013

We are in the process of working in partnership with a system university to teach in a doctoral program and this book is one I reviewed for that eventuality. However, I cannot do anything until that process is completed.

Dr Susan Nix
Education Division, West Texas A & M University
October 16, 2013

It's really very good!

Dr Ane Johnson
Educational Leadership Dept, Rowan University - Glassboro
May 2, 2012

The use or real world research as a vehicle for the theoretical framework is really helpful to students who often find grappling with the notion of a theoretical framewrod difficult. The language is accessible and their is sufficient breadth of research examples to appeal to a wide audience.

Mrs Sally Boyle
Nursing , Hertfordshire University
March 24, 2011

Very useful and informative book which is highly suitable for beginner researchers. What be recommanded for anyone undertaking a Masters level course

Mrs Brenda Cooper
Health , London South Bank University
July 13, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chaper 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 5

Vincent A. Anfara, Jr.

Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. is Associate Professor of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at The University of Tennessee. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of New Orleans in 1995. Before entering the professoriate he taught for 23 years in both middle and high schools in Louisiana and New Mexico. His research interests include middle school reform, leadership in middle schools, issues related to student achievement, and qualitative research methods. He is Past-President of AERA’s Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group, the Chair of the National Middle School Association’s (NMSA)... More About Author

Norma T. Mertz

Norma T. Mertz is Professor of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at The University of Tennessee. She received her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University, with a collateral in anthropology and education. Before becoming a faculty member in educational administration at The University of Tennessee she taught language arts and social studies in every grade from 7th through 12th; prepared teachers to work in urban, inner city-schools in Michigan and New York City as an assistant professor at Eastern Michigan University and Hunter and Brooklyn Colleges; and was an assistant director of the Race... More About Author

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