Teacher Self-Evaluation Tool Kit
- Peter W. Airasian - Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
- Arlen R. Gullickson - The Evaluation Center, Western Michigan University
96 pages | Corwin
What is teacher self-evaluation? Why is it important? The authors of this book address these questions by describing common strategies used in teacher self-evaluation and providing numerous examples of simple self-evaluation procedures to help teachers learn about their teaching beliefs, knowledge, practices and effectiveness. They conclude with suggestions for beginning the self-evaluation process.
Daniel L Stufflebeam
What Is Teacher Self-Evaluation?
Why Is Self-Evaluation Important?
What Do We Know about Teacher Self-Evaluation?
Strategies and Examples for Teacher Self-Evaluation
Developing Self-Evaluation Tools
Getting Started
Resource A: Teacher Self-Evaluation
Resource B: Resources for Schoolwide Teacher Self-Evaluation Systems
Resource C: Planning Worksheet
Resource D: Guilford County Formative Teacher Evaluation Plan