Structural Equation Modeling
Concepts, Issues, and Applications
Edited by:
- Rick H. Hoyle - Duke University, USA
Other Titles in:
Quantitative/Statistical Research | Research Methods in Psychology | Structural Equation Modeling
Quantitative/Statistical Research | Research Methods in Psychology | Structural Equation Modeling
312 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This largely nontechnical volume reviews some of the major issues facing researchers who wish to use structural equation modelling. Individual chapters present recent developments on specification, estimation and testing, statistical power, software comparisons and analyzing multitrait/multimethod data. Numerous examples of applications are given and attention is paid to the underlying philosophy of structural equation modelling and to writing up results from structural equation modelling analyses.
Kenneth A Bollen
Rick H Hoyle
Rick H Hoyle
The Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Robert C MacCallum
Model Specification
Chih-Ping Chou and Peter M Bentler
Estimates and Tests in Structural Equation Modeling
Stephen G West, John F Finch and Patrick J Curran
Structural Equation Models with Nonnormal Variables
Li-tze Hu and Peter M Bentler
Evaluating Model Fit
David Kaplan
Statistical Power in Structural Equation Modeling
Stanley A Mulaik and Lawrence R James
Objectivity and Reasoning in Science and Structural Equation Modeling
Barbara M Byrne
One Application of Structural Equation Modeling from Two Perspectives
Rick H Hoyle and Abigail T Panter
Writing about Structural Equation Models
Herbert W Marsh and David Grayson
Latent Variable Models for Multitrait-Multimethod Data
Jane A Scott-Lennox and Richard D Lennox
Sex-Race Differences in Social Support and Depression in Older Low-Income Adults
Jay G Hull, Judith C Tedlie and Daniel A Lehn
Modeling the Relation of Personality Variables to Symptom Complaints
Mike Stoolmiller, Terry E Duncan and Gerald Patterson
Predictors of Change in Antisocial Behavior during Elementary School for Boys
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