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School, Family, and Community Partnerships

School, Family, and Community Partnerships
Your Handbook for Action

Fourth Edition
Additional resources:

384 pages | Corwin

Strengthen programs of family and community engagement to promote equity and increase student success!  

When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students' education, more students succeed in school. Based on 30 years of research and fieldwork, the fourth edition of the bestseller School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action, presents tools and guidelines to help develop more effective and more equitable programs of family and community engagement. 

Written by a team of well-known experts, it provides a theory and framework of six types of involvement for action; up-to-date research on school, family, and community collaboration; and new materials for professional development and on-going technical assistance. Readers also will find: 

  • Examples of best practices on the six types of involvement from preschools, and elementary, middle, and high schools
  • Checklists, templates, and evaluations to plan goal-linked partnership programs and assess progress 
  • CD-ROM with slides and notes for two presentations: A new awareness session to orient colleagues on the major components of a research-based partnership program, and a full One-Day Team Training Workshop to prepare school teams to develop their partnership programs. (Also available at

As a foundational text, this handbook demonstrates a proven approach to implement and sustain inclusive, goal-linked programs of partnership.  It shows how a good partnership program is an essential component of good school organization and school improvement for student success. This book will help every district and all schools strengthen and continually improve their programs of family and community engagement.

About the Authors
1. A Comprehensive Framework
1.1. School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Caring for the Children We Share

1.2. School-Community Partnerships: The Little Extra That Makes a Big Difference

1.3. Improving Student Outcomes with School, Family, and Community Partnerships: A Research Review

2. Use the Framework to Reach School Goals—Stories from the Field
Six Types of Involvement to Improve School Climate and Student Success

3. Take an Action Team Approach
Organizing an Effective Action Team for Partnerships: Questions and Answers

4. Conduct Workshops
One-Day Team-Training Workshop

Components of a One-Day Team-Training Workshop

Planning an End-of-Year Celebration Workshop

5. Select Materials for Presentations and Workshops
Presentations and Handouts

Small Group Activities for Workshops

6. Strengthen Partnership Programs in Middle and High Schools
Improving School, Family, and Community Partnerships in Middle and High Schools

Predictors and Effects of Family Involvement in High Schools

A Goal-Linked Approach to Partnership Programs in Middle and High Schools

7. Strengthen District and State Leadership for Partnerships
Tools for District Leaders

Tools for State Leaders

Tools for District, Organization, and State Leaders

District and State Leadership for School, Family, and Community Partnerships

8. Implement Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS)
TIPS Interactive Homework

TIPS Volunteers in Social Studies and Art

How to Implement Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) Processes

9. Evaluate Your Partnership Program
Evaluate Partnership Programs: Critical Considerations


School, Family, and Community Partnerships is one of our go-to resources.  It takes us beyond the “why” of partnerships and gets to the “how.”  It has everything you need to guide school-based Action Teams for Partnerships—from training modules to downloadable documents.

Sarah Del Toro, Family and Community Engagement Manager, Kennewick School District; Kennewick, WA
Kennewick School District; Kennewick, WA

This Handbook is the gold standard for family and community partnerships.  It makes clear connections between theory and practice. Epstein and her colleagues’ decades of research and experiences are organized into a simple-to-navigate and comprehensive resource.  This book will guide both novice and experienced practitioners toward authentic goal-based actions that lead to measurable outcomes.  

Tammy Pawloski, Professor and Director, Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children in Poverty, Francis Marion University, Florence, SC
Francis Marion University, Florence, SC

As a state organization supporting school districts and schools in establishing and sustaining effective family-school partnership programs, the School, Family, and Community Partnerships is our go-to resource.  Everything we need to prepare staff, facilitate meetings, and evaluate practices, programs, and progress is right at our fingertips.

James Palmiero and Carol A. Good, Director and Assistant Director, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network; Pittsburgh, PA
Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network; Pittsburgh, PA

This book has given us the tools we need to engage families in a systematic, sustained, and integrated program that supports student achievement and behavior.  The Handbook is part of my daily practice when working with schools to promote family and community engagement.

Loree L. Smith, Federal Programs Coordinator, Calcasieu Parish School Board; Lake Charles, LA
Calcasieu Parish School Board; Lake Charles, LA

We believe that effective and equitable programs of partnership require multi-level leadership.  When state, regional, and district leaders and school Action Teams for Partnerships use this practical book with its ready-made tools and training materials, they will see that working with parents as partners increases students’ learning and development.

Mimi Bandura and Ellen Larson, Consultants; Parent Engagement Leadership Institute, Riverside County Office of Education; Riverside, CA
Riverside County Office of Education; Riverside, CA

Changes to this edition:



·         From a Reviewer- “This book gently reminded me through the examples, vignettes, cases, stories, etc. that there is so much more I can and need to do to adequately increase partnerships. This book also gives guidance to leaders on how they can simply and easily involve everyone to increase the involvement.”  Even so- more broad based examples will be added per reviewer request.

  • Chapter Six will be expanded with an explanation of why partnerships are important in elementary schools and special considerations for elementary schools.
  • NCLB will be updated and references to CCSS will be added along with family, community discussions of implementation as well as resistance.

·         A new chapter will be included on how to utilize new social media channels and resources. How do these fit into the types and how can they be used to expand partnerships?

  • Since the book features many previously published chapters and articles, it does not always flow easily.  The introduction sections in each chapter will be enhanced to make transitions easier for readers.

·         Chapter 8 about homework will be updated with new research and examples as well as alignment of  the  TIPS Interactive Homework examples with the Common Core Standards.

·         Margin notes on key ideas will be added per reviewer #5

  • An updated CD-ROM with forms and a PowerPoint presentation for workshops

Joyce L. Epstein

Joyce L. Epstein is director of the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and the National Network of Partnership Schools, principal research scientist in the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR), and professor of sociology at Johns Hopkins University. She has over 100 pub­lications on the organization and effects of school, classroom, family, and peer environments, with many focused on school, family, and community connec­tions. In 1995, she established the National Network of Partnership Schools to demonstrate the important intersections of research, policy, and practice for school... More About Author

Mavis G. Sanders

Mavis G. Sanders is assistant professor of education in the School of Professional Studies in Business and Education, research scientist at the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR), and senior advisor to the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of many articles on the effects of school, fam­ily, and community support on African American adolescents’ school suc­cess, the impact of partnership programs on the quality of family and community involvement, and international research on partnerships. She is interested in how schools involve families that are... More About Author

Steven B. Sheldon

Steven B. Sheldon is a research scientist with the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and director of research of NNPS at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of many publications on the implementation and effects of programs for family and community involvement. His work explores how the quality and outreach of school programs of partnerships affect parents’ responses and student outcomes, such as student attendance, math achievement, student behavior, reading, and state achievement test scores. His most recent book guides principals in their leadership and work on school, family, and community partnerships (with... More About Author

Beth Shara Simon

Beth S. Simon is a social science research analyst at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She conducts quantitative and qualitative research to improve the quality of services and communica­tions for health care beneficiaries. Previously, she was an associate research scientist at the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR) at Johns Hopkins University, where her research focused on family and community involvement in high schools and the effects of partnerships on high school student success. She also served as dissemination director of the National... More About Author

Karen Clark Salinas

Karen Clark Salinas is a senior research assistant at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University. As communications director of the National Network of Partnership Schools, she is editor of Type 2, the Network’s newsletter, and coeditor of the annual collection Promising Partnership Practices. She also coordinates work­shops and provides technical assistance to members by phone, email, and Web site. She is coauthor of the inventory Starting Points that helps schools identify their present practices of partnership; the Measure of School, Family, and Community Partnerships; and materials for the... More About Author

Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn

Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn is a state and district facilitator of the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University. In this capacity, she assists state, district, and organization leaders in establishing school, family, and community partnership programs to support students’ school success. She is an experienced speaker at conferences on partner­ships. Previously, she served as the Network’s middle and high school facilitator and devoted particular attention to urban schools. She has developed workshops, tools, and publications to help middle and high schools implement effective partnership activities that are linked... More About Author

Frances L. VanVoorhis

Frances L. Van Voorhis is an associate research scientist at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and TIPS Coordinator of the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of research articles on the Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) interactive homework process, including a study of the effects of TIPS science in the middle grades on family involvement and students’ science skills. In addition, she conducts research on the progress in partnership program development of states, districts, and schools in the National Network. She designs materials to help members... More About Author

Cecelia Sheria Martin

Cecelia Martin is associate director of the Maryland Parental Information Resource Center (PIRC). She takes leadership in providing technical assistance to school systems and schools to strengthen local programs and practices of family and community involvement. In her prior work with NNPS at Johns Hopkins University, Martin was senior program facilitator for the Military Child Initiative that assisted districts and schools to work more effectively with families in the military. She also conducted workshops and developed materials for state, district, and school leaders to build partnership programs for student success. She was coeditor of... More About Author

Brenda G. Thomas

Brenda G. Thomas is Maryland director of partnership program development and senior program Facilitator at NNPS. She is supported by a collaborative grant of NNPS with the Maryland Parental Information Resource Center (PIRC). Thomas assists district leaders across the state of Maryland to help their schools organize, implement, and improve programs of school, family, and community partnerships. She also provides professional development workshops for other school, district, state, and PIRC leaders in NNPS. She is a coeditor of Promising Partnership Practices, the NNPS annual collection of members’ best practices. Thomas has many years of... More About Author

Marsha D. Greenfeld

Marsha D. Greenfeld is senior program facilitator with NNPS at Johns Hopkins University. She provides professional development to help leaders in districts, states, organizations, and school teams implement and sustain goal-linked programs of family and community involvement. She develops and conducts workshops and provides technical assistance on all aspects of partnership program development. She is coauthor of the book, Family Reading Night (2008, Eye on Education), and a coeditor of annual collections of Promising Partnership Practices. Greenfeld previously was a teacher and district-level facilitator for partnerships in the Baltimore... More About Author

Darcy J. Hutchins

Darcy J. Hutchins is a senior program facilitator with NNPS at Johns Hopkins University. She provides professional development to enable district, state, and organization leaders and school teams to establish and maintain comprehensive partnership programs that positively impact student success. Hutchins taught in the Baltimore City Public School System, where she developed and implemented family literacy workshops. She also has experience working with young children with special needs. She is co-author of the book Family Reading Night (2008, Eye on Education), which guides educators to conduct effective literacy events. She also is a... More About Author

Kenyatta J. Williams

Kenyatta J. Williams is a data integration/statistical analyst for Prince George's County Public Schools. He works with staff to create data sets by inputting, downloading, organizing, and analyzing data from the Student Information Management System for evaluation and reporting purposes. In his prior work with NNPS at Johns Hopkins University, Williams collected and coordinated data from all schools, districts, states, and organizations and worked with the research staff on many studies. He is coauthor of annual summaries of UPDATE data for schools and districts in NNPS and several research conference presentations. Williams also... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.

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ISBN: 9781506391342