RTI Strategies for Secondary Teachers
October 2012 | 216 pages | Corwin
A 'strategy bank' for secondary teachersWhile planning lessons, many teachers wonder: ôIf I try this, will it work?ö ôWill I lose ground in teaching the concept?ö ôWill it help my students make the grade, pass the state tests, or get into college?ö Teachers want solutions, not theory. This book offers a bank of proven RTI strategies for Grades 6û12 that will improve test scores and student achievement for all students, not just struggling learners. Susan Gingras Fitzell explains how RTI fits into secondary education and applies it to math, reading comprehension, writing, and more. She summarizes tiers one, two, and three in teacher-friendly language and includes:Easily implemented and practical interventionsSample lesson plans and visual models Examples of how to address budgeting, staffing, performance, and student culture constraints The grouping strategies included in each lesson plan improve studentsÆ social skills, and can reduce referrals to special education depending on other circumstances. RTI Strategies for Secondary Teachers will help teachers take their instruction up a notch in every classroom and reduce stress in the process.á
About the Author
1. Introduction: Why This Book This Way?
2. A Snapshot of the Response to Intervention Process
3. Vocabulary Intervention Strategies
4. Reading Comprehension Intervention Strategies
5. Writing Intervention Strategies
6. Math Intervention Strategies
7. Cross-Curricular Interventions for Higher-Order Thinking and Recall
8. Fitzell Acceleration Centers as an RTI Strategy
9. Concluding Thoughts
"RTI for Secondary Teachers is a valuable resource brimming with concrete real-world strategies. Susan Fitzell provides sample lesson plans designed to reach struggling learners, but they can be easily adapted to reach even the most capable learners. Her rich template for success demystifies Response to Intervention at the secondary level and offers a treasure chest of strategies for reaching students in any tier."
Tulsa, OK