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Professionalism and Community

Professionalism and Community
Perspectives on Reforming Urban Schools

272 pages | Corwin
School-based professional community is a concept that portrays teachers as working together towards a set of shared goals of improved professionalism for themselves and increased learning opportunities for students. Attempts to put this into practice in urban schools in the United States have met with varying degrees of success. Using case studies, the contributors to this book examine the reasons for this inconsistency, focusing on the structural, social and human relations conditions of schooling.
Karen Seashore Louis, Sharon D Kruse and Anthony S Bryk
Professionalism and Community
What Is It and Why Is It Important in Urban Schools?

Sharon D Kruse, Karen Seashore Louis and Anthony S Bryk
An Emerging Framework for Analyzing School-Based Professional Community
Mary Anne Raywid
Professional Community and Its Yield at Metro Academy
Jean A King and Daniel A Weiss
Thomas Paine High School
Professional Community in an Unlikely Setting

Sharon Rollow and Anthony S Bryk
Catalyzing Professional Community in a School Reform Left Behind
M Peg Lonnquist and Jean A King
Changing the Tire on a Moving Bus
Barriers to Professional Community at Whitehead School

Daniel A Weiss, Karen Seashore Louis and Jeremy Hopkins
Dewey Middle School
Getting Past the First Stages of Restructuring

Sharon D Kruse and Karen Seashore Louis
Developing Professional Community in New and Restructuring Urban Schools
Karen Seashore Louis and Sharon D Kruse
Getting There
Promoting Professional Community in Urban Schools


Karen Seashore Louis

Karen Seashore Louis is the Rodney Wallace Professor of Educational Policy and Administration at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities. Her area of expertise includes improvement in K–12 leadership and policy over the last 30 years, particularly in urban secondary schools. Louis also conducts research on organizational changes within higher education, with particular attention to faculty roles, and on international comparative policy in educational reform. A past president of Division A of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), she is a widely published author in the field. Recent books include Organizing for School Change... More About Author

Sharon D. Kruse

Dr. Sharon D. Kruse is Academic Director and Professor at Washington State University- Vancouver. Her scholarship broadly addresses two concerns, (1) to help teachers and school leaders better understand the key role leadership plays in schools and (2) to explore how education is currently structured and influenced by social and organizational complexity. Kruse’s work focuses on understanding how schools can be better places for the children who attend them and the teachers who work in them. By focusing on the ways issues are framed, decisions are made and problems are identified she seeks to understand how schools can better educate and... More About Author