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Problem-Based Learning for Math & Science

Problem-Based Learning for Math & Science
Integrating Inquiry and the Internet

Second Edition

September 2007 | 176 pages | Corwin
This book provides teachers with the tools they need to help students learn in an integrated, real-world instructional environment. Focusing on problem-based learning (PBL) as a teaching approach that enhances, strengthens, and expands the teacher's repertoire to increase student success, the author presents modes of problem-based learning that include real-life references, real problem simulations, and student-identified community problems.

Each chapter outlines an aspect of problem-based learning relating to math and science and includes specific projects for engaging learners in the PBL experience. Each project can be customized to meet students' learning levels and contains student handouts, evaluation forms, and all of the information necessary for successful completion.

Project standards are based on recommendations from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). With the strategies offered in Problem-Based Learning for Math and Science, 2nd Edition, teachers can help deepen students' understanding of important ideas, increase content retention, strengthen learners' problem-solving abilities, and help students become self-directed, lifelong learners.

The Concepts Explored in This Book

The Standards Used in This Book

The Goal of This Book

1. The Integration of Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Problem-Based Learning
Redefining Literacy

Using Problem-Based Learning to Increase Literacy

Relating Technology to Math and Science

Integrating Problem-Based Learning With Cyber-Age Math and Science

Integrated Inquiry Project, Middle Level: Meteorology

2. Problem-Based Learning and Constructivism
Why Problem-Based Learning Is Brain-Compatible

Problem-Based Learning and the Constructivist Model: The Five E's

Teaching in the Problem-Based Learning Classroom

Integrated Inquiry Project, Middle/Secondary Level: Developing Entrepreneurial Excellence

3. Aspects and Approaches of Problem-Based Learning
Phases of Implementation

Problem-Based Learning Techniques

New Roles for Teachers

Integrated Inquiry Project 1: Middle/Secondary Levels: The Roller Coaster

Integrated Inquiry Project 2: Secondary Level: Building Bridges

4. Planning Problem-Based Learning for the Classroom
Planning for Integrated Learning

Guidelines for Implementing a Problem-Based Learning Project

Questions to Promote Problem Solving

Integrated Inquiry Project, Multilevel: The Mississippi Delta

5. Evaluating and Assessing Problem-Based Learning
Alternative Assessments

Types of Authentic Assessment and Evaluation

Integrated Inquiry Project, Multilevel: Architectural Design

6. Integrating Community Learning Activities Into the Classroom
The National Association of Partners in Education

Organizational Partnerships in Education

Helping Experts Become Teachers

Community Connections: Multilevel Car Project

Appendix: Cyber Sources for Math, Science, and Technology

"Teachers looking for a concise guide to implementing problem-based learning in math and science classrooms: this book is for you!"

Debra Gerdes, Professional Development Leader
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

"The purpose of problem-based learning is to emphasize meaning-making over fact collecting. With this method, Diane Ronis has written a book well-equipped to produce self-motivated and independent lifelong learners!"

Katie Morrow, Technology Integration Specialist
O’Neill Public Schools, NE

"The guidelines on using and assessing projects, as well as the ready-to-use samples, make this a worthwhile resource."

MAA Reviews, June 2008
Mathematical Association of America

There are some nice ideas here to be used with teachers on the Additional Diploma in Teaching Maths course. Problem-based learning can generate a lot more high order thinking from students and can help to put into context some of the maths and science topics which otherwise would be quite removed.

Mr Peter Lyon
professional development, Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College
September 2, 2014

The criteria of the book is incredible and would be better suited for an integrated curriculum class or Problem-Based/Project-Based Learning class. Hoping to be able to use it in the future.

Dr Marcia Hill
Online School of Graduate Education, Kaplan University - Davenport
February 26, 2013

Diane L. Ronis

Diane Ronis is a professor of education at Southern Connecticut State University and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Her drive to make learning meaningful to all students comes from 17 years of teaching middle school and high school mathematics and fine arts as well as eight years of experience instructing preservice teachers at the college and graduate level. Ronis has been a presenter and keynote speaker at numerous conferences, workshops and seminars, and is the author of Brain Compatible Mathematics, Brain Compatible Assessments, Critical Thinking in Math, Problem Based Learning for Math & Science: Integrating Inquiry... More About Author

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