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The Principal's Guide to Managing Communication

The Principal's Guide to Managing Communication

January 2006 | 200 pages | Corwin
Schneider and Hollenczer approach the topic of managing communications from a strategic perspective. Moving from a one-way, top-down approach to communication, the authors show how headteachers can manage communications much more strategically by using a fluid communication strategy that involves all of the school's stakeholders - teachers, support staff, students, parents, central office administrators and community members.

Schools are much more transparent institutions today because of access to data, and headteachers need a more open communication style as a result. Strong communication management skills between principals and the school's stakeholders can lead to more success in achieving the objectives for their schools. This book explains how different communication frameworks can be used in different situations and also covers school-family-communication partnerships, technology and communication, and communication tools.

List of Tables and Figures
Series Foreword
Series Introduction
About the Authors
Part I: Understanding Stakeholders and Publics
1. Who Are the Stakeholders and Publics in Your School?
2. Engaging Stakeholders in Meaningful Communications
3. Four Approaches to Communication Management
4. Strengthening School-Family-Community Partnerships
Part II: The Strategic Management of Communication
5. Applying Communication Management in Different Settings
6. Communicating Under Pressure
7. Thinking Strategically About Communication
8. Using Technology in Communication
9. Implementing Effective Communication Practices
10. Answering the Call to Leadership

"I like this book. Joe Schneider and Lara Hollenczer recognize that communication is the essential skill for school leaders, and that in a public enterprise, communication is as much about listening and responding as it is about initiating and persuading. Practical school examples make this book useful for new and seasoned administrators alike."

Stinson Stroup, Executive Director
Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators

"The Principal’s Guide to Managing Communication is a timely and informative book that offers knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the turbulent waters of school administration in the 21st century. It’s a must read for those who would be effective school leaders focused on continued school improvement."

Walter H. Warfield, Executive Director
Illinois Association of School Administrators

"Schneider and Hollenczer fully understand the principal's critical role as a community relations expert.  Their strategies weave through the entire community fabric and focus on much more than merely manipulation information.  Establishing good communication is hard work and does not happen automatically - Schneider and Hollenczer get it!  This book must get to every university preparation program in the country."

Theodore Creighton, Executive Director
National Council of Professors of Educational Administration

Sample Materials & Chapters


Series Introduction


Chapter One

E. Joseph Schneider

E. Joseph Schneider has been in education for more than 30 years as an association executive, research manager, and communication director. He is Managing Partner of Leadership Develop­ment Resources, an educational consulting com­pany based in Arlington, Virginia. Concurrently, he also serves as executive secretary of the National Policy Board for Educational Administration, a coalition of ten national education associations concerned about educational leadership. Previously, he was the deputy executive director of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), the national membership association of school... More About Author

Lara L. Hollenczer

Lara L. Hollenczer, the mother of two public school youngsters, is heavily involved in local educational issues as a parent, community activist, and local business owner. Professionally, she made her mark by helping law firms har­ness the capacity of the Internet for “branding” their firms, conducting market research, and developing new clients. After stints at several large Washington, D.C., law firms, she joined a fast-growing Annapolis, Maryland, advertising and public relations agency where her clients included local and state teacher associations. After several years at the agency, she expanded her business to assist clients with... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781412914628