Practical Evaluation for Educators
Finding What Works and What Doesn't
- Roger Kaufman - Florida State University-Emeritus, Roger Kaufman & Associates, Florida State University, USA
- Ingrid Guerra - Wayne State University, USA
- William A. Platt - Department of Veterans' Affairs
This user-friendly guide includes easy-to-understand examples, checklists, sample exercises, discussion questions and step-by-step guidance for educational evaluation. It also contains a case study that follows one school and educational authority through the evaluation process, showing what evaluation looks like and feels like in schools and districts. The authors provide a comprehensive set of concepts and guidelines for conducting evaluation studies. The book is results-centered and focused on proven concepts and methods.
The authors have developed a simple, four-step process to guide teachers through evaluation: alignment and direction; observations, results, and action and adjustment.
"Puts evaluation in a framework of societal needs while simultaneously being results-oriented and practical. This is a unique combination of 'how-to' with 'why' that is of immense importance."
"The book describes how to ask and answer the right questions in order to measure the gaps in results and their consequences. Readers will be able to tailor an evaluation plan to their specific situations. Practical examples and scenarios along with how-to guides show readers how to apply the concepts and tools presented."
"As an evaluation book written for educators and education, this publication delivers on its promise. It provides a practical, professional, and comprehensive approach for planning and conducting evaluation studies that are meaningful and effective for understanding and improving the education enterprise."
"Roger Kaufman and his colleagues have produced what is simply the best practical book on educational evaluation published in the past few years. It is current, clear, and structured so that educators can apply it in a wide variety of educational contexts."
"Consistent with the very best in evaluation theory and practice. Clearly written, practical, and usable, this book should be used as the organizer for improvement efforts from a neighborhood school to a statewide improvement effort. I heartily recommend it to superintendents, principals, school boards, and concerned parents. If you could read only one book during the next decade about improving education, this is it."
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