CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Deviance
The Sociological Imagination
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites
Now YOU?.?.?.?Use Your Sociological Imagination
CHAPTER 2: The Diversity of Deviance
Deviance and Its Varied Forms
Physical Deviance and Appearance: Ideals of Beauty and Everyone Else
Relationships and Deviance
Deviance in Cyberspace: Making Up the Norms as We Go
Elite Deviance, Corporate Deviance, and Workplace Misconduct
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: The Cases of Addiction, Prostitution, and Graffiti
Ideas in Action: Guerrilla Gardening in Low-Income Areas
Question: So Who Are the Deviants? Answer: It Depends on Who You Ask
CHAPTER 3: Researching Deviance
Methodological Approaches to Studying Deviance
Ideas in Action: Evaluating Programs and Policy
Ethical Considerations in Studying Deviance Conclusion
CHAPTER 4: Anomie/Strain Theory
Development of Anomie/Strain Theory
Emile Durkheim and Anomie
Robert Merton and Adaptations to Anomie/Strain
Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin, Differential Opportunity
Albert Cohen, Delinquent Boys
Robert Agnew—General Strain Theory
Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld: Crime and the American Dream—Institutional Anomie Theory
Application of Anomie and Strain Theories
Critiques of Anomie and Strain Theories
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: The Occupy Wall Street Movement
Ideas in Action: Defy Ventures – Transforming Innovation into Legitimate Success
CHAPTER 5: Social Disorganization Theory
Development of Social Disorganization Theory
Shaw and McKay Study of Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas
Critiques of Social Disorganization Theory
Rebirth of Social Disorganization Theory
Application of Social Disorganization Theory
More Theoretical and Empirical Advances and Divergences: Social and Physical Disorder
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites with Social Disorganization Theory
Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy from Social Disorganization and Broken Windows Perspectives
CHAPTER 6: Differential Association and Social Learning Theory
Development of Differential Association Theory
Development of Akers’s Social Learning Theory
Social Structure and Social Learning (SSSL)
Application of Differential Association and Social Learning
Critiques of Differential Association and Social Learning Theories
Cultural Deviance Theory and Subcultural Explanations of Deviance
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: Teen Alcohol and Drug Use
Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy from a Social Learning Perspective
CHAPTER 7: Social Control Theories of Deviance
Development of Social Control Theory
Techniques of Neutralization
Contemporary Additions to Social Control Theory
Application of Social Control Theories
Critiques of Social Control Theories
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: The Case of Teenage Runaways/Homelessness and Medical Deviance by Doctors
Ideas in Action: Homeboy Industries
CHAPTER 8: Labeling Theory
Development of Labeling Theory
How the Labeling Process Works
Labeling and Mental Illness
Application of Labeling Theory
Impact of Labeling Theory
Critiques of Labeling Theory
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: Considering Drinking – and Not Drinking – on College Campuses
Ideas in Action: “I Have a Dream” Foundation – Instilling Positive Labels
CHAPTER 9: Marxist/Conflict Theories of Deviance
Development of Marxist Theory
Development of Conflict Theory
Applications of Marxist/Conflict Theory
Critiques of Marxism and Conflict Theory
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: The Cases of Shoplifting and Employees Locked in the Workplace
Ideas in Action: Racial Impact Statements
CHAPTER 10: Critical Theories of Deviance
Development of Feminist Criminology
Development of Critical Race Theory
Development of Peacemaking
Critiques of Critical Theories
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: The Cases of Pornography and Illegal Government Surveillance
Ideas in Action: Navajo Peacemaking and Domestic Violence
CHAPTER 11: Social Control of Deviance
Medicalization of Deviant Behavior
Policing, Supervision, and the Impact of Incarceration on Disadvantaged Populations and Communities
Correctional Facilities and the Purposes of Punishment
Gresham Sykes and the Pains of Imprisonment
Juvenile Correctional Facilities
Reentry—Challenges in Returning to the Community After Time in an Institution
Public Fear and Social Control: The Case of Sex Offenders
Collateral Consequences—Effects on Communities and Families
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: Considering How Money Can Matter in Local Jails
Ideas in Action: College Programs in Prisons
CHAPTER 12: Deviant Careers and Career Deviance
Development of a Deviant Careers and Career Deviance Approach
Getting Into Deviance: Onset of a Deviant Career
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: Anorexia and the Prostitution Rehabilitation Program
Risk and Protective Factors for Onset
Maintaining a Deviant Career: Living the Life
Getting Out of the Game: Desistance From Career Deviance
Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy from a Career Deviance/Deviant Career Perspective
CHAPTER 13. Deviance and Social Control in Global Context
Researching Deviance Globally
Trials and Tribulations Involved in Researching Deviance across the Globe
Empirical Tests of Theories of Deviance Globally
Social Control in Global Context
Explaining Deviance in the Streets and Deviance in the Suites: Human Trafficking: Crossing Boundaries and Borders
Ideas in Action: What Can Be Done about Human Trafficking?