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Math Tools, Grades 3–12

Math Tools, Grades 3–12
60+ Ways to Build Mathematical Practices, Differentiate Instruction, and Increase Student Engagement

Second Edition

November 2012 | 272 pages | Corwin
Common Core + Differentiated Instruction + Student Engagement = Higher Student AchievementIf you're like most math teachers, this is a problem you wrestle with every day. Harvey Silver and his colleagues have updated their best-selling text to provide a solution. With new Common Coreûaligned tools and strategies, this second edition of Math Tools, Grades 3û12 is an all-in-one math classroom management resource that will enable you to teach to the Common Core, differentiate instruction, and keep students engagedùall at the same time.Covering everything from lesson design to math-specific learning styles, the second editionÆs 60+ tools will enable you to:Work in smarter, more efficient ways with all of your students, no matter the class size or make upCreate standards-based lesson plans, tests, and formative assessmentsáReach every learner regardless of understanding level or learning styleIntegrate technology into class time for more engaging math lessonsAdd in a Common Core matrix, immediately useable reproducibles, and learning-style chartsùand you're fully equipped to make the ambitions of the Common Core Math Standards a reality in your classroom.
About the Authors
Preface: Math Tools: A Cure for the Common Core
Introduction: A User's Guide to the Second Edition
1. Mastery
Chapter One Matrix

Convergence Mastery

Fist Lists and Spiders


Knowledge Cards

Mastery Review

Mathematical Conventions

Mathematical Summaries

Memory Box

Mental Math War

Most Valuable Point (MVP)

Practice Makes Perfect

Procedural Notes

Vocabulary Knowledge Rating (VKR)

Vocabulary Organizers

What's Wrong?

Word Walls

2. Understanding
Chapter Two Matrix


Compare & Contrast

Concept Attainment

Essential Question Notes (EQN)

Learning From Clues

Making Notes

Math Rulebook

Pattern Finding

Precisely Speaking

Ps and Qs

Show Me

Stake Your Claim

Support or Refute

Thinking Notes

Three-Way Tie

Which One Doesn't Belong?

Yes, But Why?

3. Self-Expressive
Chapter Three Matrix

3-D Viewer: Algebraic, Graphical, and Numerical

And the Question Is


Create Your Own

Divergent Thinking

Group and Label

M + M: Math and Metaphors

Making Up Is Fun to Do

Math Recipe

Meaning-Full Math

Metaphorical Duels

Modeling With Algebra

Modeling With Manipulatives

Picture = 1,000 Words

Vocabulary Stories

What If?

4. Interpersonal
Chapter Four Matrix

Attention Monitor

Explaining Solutions

I Know What I Know

Math Review Games

No Uncertain Terms

Paired Learner

Peer Coaching

Range Finder

Real-World Connections

Test Feedback

What's Your Favorite?

Where in the World?

Who's Right?

5. Mosaic
Chapter Five Matrix

Assessment Menu

Comprehension Menu

Math Media Skills

Math Notes

MATHEMATICS Writing Frames

Task Rotation


"I was hooked within the first 30 pages! Ideas were racing through my mind—I'm excited to blog about it and use it in the classroom. Applies to teachers of all ages—a lot of solid explanations for newbies but still full of resources that any teachers can use or modify. Any book that makes me think, and especially think about improving my practice, is definitely a worthwhile investment. Invest in yourself!"

Elissa Miller, High School Math Teacher and Blogger
MissCalculate blog

Sample Materials & Chapters



Harvey F. Silver

Harvey F. Silver, president of Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press, was named one of the 100 most influential teachers in the country. He has conducted numerous workshops for school districts and state education departments throughout the United States. He was the principal consultant for the Georgia Critical Thinking Skills Program and the Kentucky Thoughtful Education Teacher Leadership Program. Silver is the author of several educational bestsellers, including So Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences and Teaching Styles and Strategies, both published by the Association for... More About Author

John R. Brunsting

John Brunsting is a mathematics teacher, a staff development specialist, and an author. John serves schools as a teacher and coach as well as a mathematics consultant on practical, style-based tools and strategies. He is a coordinator for Illinois Advanced Placement Institutes and cofounder of Mathematics & Technology Institutes, teacher training organizations committed to the instructional excellence of teachers. Previously an AP Calculus Exam Committee member, John coauthored Preparing for the AP Calculus Examination (2006). In 2008, John coauthored the best-selling Math Tools, Grades 3-12: 64 Ways to Differentiate Instruction and... More About Author

Terry Walsh

Terry Walsh has been a mathematics trainer and consultant for nearly 20 years. After retiring from math and administrative positions in two suburban Chicago high schools, In addition to developing Thoughtful Classroom strategies, Terry was one of the founding editor’s of the EightySomething! graphing calculator newsletter. He not only used the strategies in this book in his own classes, he has worked with teachers across the country to help them do the same. He has also incorporated ideas from Math Tools into a variety of Pre-AP Mathematics workshops that he has been leading for the College Board. Terry has led Pre-AP Math and Learning... More About Author

Edward J. Thomas

Consulting Description Edward J. Thomas is founder and president of Dimension 2000, a professional development organization that works with teachers of mathematics. He has over 30 years of experience as a mathematics teacher at the middle school, high school, district, and undergraduate levels. Edward has authored several articles and books on mathematics instruction and has developed a number of educational games for the mathematics classroom. He was the co-chair of the Northwest Georgia P-16 Council, an initiative designed to improve teacher quality and student achievement from pre-school through the undergraduate level. Edward is an... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781452261393