Making Geometry Come Alive
Student Activities and Teacher Notes
- Alfred S. Posamentier - Mercy College, New York, USA
176 pages | Corwin
Making Geometry Come Alive provides a set of versatile enrichment exercises designed to motivate students interest in a broad range of topics. Each activity is presented as a reproducible student investigation. It is followed by guidelines and notes for teachers.
First and foremost, the activities are meant to be motivational. As much as possible, we want this book to achieve the goal of being attractive to students and show them that there is much more to geometry that proving theorems. To demonstrate this aspect of geometry, it is necessary for the investigation to be quite different from what students encounter in their basal texts-different in both substance and form. Presenting activities on a regular basis gives the variety and change of pace needed to sustain interest in any.
Problems of Antiquity
Post-Euclidean Theorems
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Solid Geometry
Geometric Applications
Geometric Puzzlers