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Information Theory

Information Theory
Structural Models for Qualitative Data

96 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Krippendorff introduces social scientists to information theory and explains its application for structural modeling. He discusses key topics such as: how to confirm an information theory model; its use in exploratory research; and how it compares with other approaches such as network analysis, path analysis, chi square and analysis of variance.

Information Theory simplifies and clarifies a complex but powerful statistical method for analysing multivariate qualitative data. It will serve both as a textbook and as a sourcebook for researchers in communication theory, information theory and systems theory.

Qualitative Data
Selective Information
Entropy, Diversity, Variety
Shannon's Theory of Communication
Comparisons of Qualitative Variates
Structural Models
Models With and Without Loops
Information in Models and in Data
Structural Zeros
Degrees of Freedom
The Significance of Information Quantities
Maximum Entropy Computations
Comparisons with Alternative Approaches

Klaus H. Krippendorff

Klaus Krippendorff (PhD in Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967) is Professor of Communication and Gregory Bateson Term Professor for Cybernetics, Language, and Culture at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. Besides numerous publications in journals of communication, sociological methodology, cybernetics, and system theory, he authored Information Theory, Structural Models for Qualitative Data, a Dictionary of Cybernetics, edited Communication and Control in Society, and coedited The Analysis of Communication Content and Developments and Scientific Theories and Computer Techniques.Besides... More About Author

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