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High-Impact Writing Clinics

High-Impact Writing Clinics
20 Projectable Lessons for Building Literacy Across Content Areas

First Edition

Foreword by Stephanie Harvey, Includes DVD with 20 Ready-to-go PowerPoint Lessons

224 pages | Corwin
Next-generation lessons for today's student writers

These 20 high-energy projectable lessons for grades 4-8 harness the brevity and potency of poetry for teaching the intricate skills behind writing well in any subject. The 100 poems—set against vivid full-color photographs and graphics on more than 500 slides—serve as a springboard for activities in which students read, discuss, and write to meet the literacy objectives of the Common Core:

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and meanings

Interpret words and phrases

Analyze the structure of texts

Produce clear and coherent writing

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence

At-a-Glance Clinic Descriptions
Foreword by Stephanie Harvey
Clinic 1. Objective versus Subjective: Making Sense of Opinions
Clinic 2. The List Poem
Clinic 3. The Summary Poem: What's the Big Idea?
Clinic 4. The Found Poem: Finding the Unusual in the Usual
Clinic 5. Feelings Made Visual
Clinic 6. Couplets on the Brain
Clinic 7. No Longer the Same: Building Comparisons
Clinic 8. The Questioning Poem: A Way of Wondering
Clinic 9. Refrain: Come Again?
Clinic 10. Personification: A Word Walks in . . .
Clinic 11. Point of View
Clinic 12. Word Definition Poems
Clinic 13. Weighting the Evidence: Logical Poetry
Clinic 14. The Prepositional Phrase Poem
Clinic 15. Simile for Me
Clinic 16. Metaphor Mentor Text
Clinic 17. Exquisite Metaphors: Comparing Apples and Oranges
Clinic 18. The Extended Metaphor: Care and Feeding
Clinic 19. Revision up Close: Self-Edit Checklist
Clinic 20. Speaking out: Public Speaking with Conviction
Revision Checklist
About the Poets
Index of Poems

“Leave it to Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger to come up with a resource that allows kids to be the diverse group of individuals they can and want to be—and at the same time paves a route for them to meet the Common Core Standards. . . . I really wish I had written this resource. Having read it, it is tough not to be jealous.”

Stephanie Harvey, Coauthor of Strategies That Work, Second Edition

High-Impact Writing Clinics is a unique, practical, clever, and just-right-for-the-times resource. Poetry is an integral part of the Common Core Standards. And just in time, here comes a truly easy-to-use resource, with all the connections made, lessons provided, ready-to-use slides, and texts included. If you can turn on PowerPoint, you can teach these lessons!”

Harvey "Smokey" Daniels, Coauthor of The Best-Kept Teaching Secret

“Is poetry relevant in this era of Common Core? Absolutely! Anyone who doubts this needs to pick up this remarkable book by Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger, who show how poetry is not only relevant but an engaging way for students to meet these rigorous standards. . . . Sara and Michael show students (and their teachers) the power of imagination and observation, even as they read closely and work to meet the standards.”

Stevi Quate, Independent Consultant and Staff Developer
Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC)

“I highly recommend this resource for all teachers. In addition to showing how each lesson addresses the CCSS, Sara and Michael demystify poetry writing for students of all ages. This book also includes poems that exemplify, extend, and reinforce each lesson. Using High-Impact Writing Clinics is like having Sara and Michael as enthusiastic co-teachers in your own classroom.”

Beverly Ann Chin, Ph.D., Director
English Teaching Program, University of Montana

“As I read High-Impact Writing Clinics, I felt as though I had been transported back to my own classroom with two amazing poets in residence. Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger give teachers and writers the tools to make the world stand still so we can capture a moment in words. The lessons and original poems bring writers to the sights and sounds that are at the heart of a real writing workshop.”

Janet Allen, Author of Plugged Into Reading

Sara Holbrook

Learn more about Sara Holbrook's PD offeringsSara Holbrook is a full-time educator, author/poet and consultant, who has been teaching in classrooms acrpss the U.S. and abroad for more than twenty years. She is the author of over a dozen books for children, adults, and teachers as well as an award-winning performance poet. A frequent keynote speaker, Sara shows teachers how to use writing and oral presentation exercises to help raise vocabulary and other literacy skills, along with how to teacher comprehension through collaboration, writing, and classroom performance across all grade levels and content areas.  More About Author

Michael Salinger

Learn more about Michael Salinger's PD offeringsA fixture in the performance poetry and education community, Michael Salinger has been writing and performing poetry and fiction for over twenty years. His work has appeared in dozens of literary journals published in the U.S. and Canada, and he has coauthored two professional books with Sara: Outspoken! and High-Definition. Michael is also the founder and chief facilitator of the teen writing and performance program at Cleveland’s Playhouse Square Foundation--the second largest performing arts center in the United States after Broadway. More About Author

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ISBN: 9781452286860