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Handbook of Instructional Leadership

Handbook of Instructional Leadership
How Successful Principals Promote Teaching and Learning

Second Edition

March 2014 | 248 pages | Corwin
From the Foreword of the First Edition:

`A treasure trove of knowledge about instructional leadership. Rich descriptions bring to life such concepts as inquiry, reflection, collaboration, empowerment, and learning community. The authors enable the reader to encounter the spirit of schools where these ideas have become a reality' - From the Foreword by Stephen P Gordon, Southwest Texas State University

The Handbook of Instructional Leadership is drawn from a study of more than 800 teachers schools nationwide. In this expanded Second Edition, the authors incorporate recent findings and insights from research, literature, and national reports. Also included in this new edition is an in-depth examination of the elements of instructional leadership related to the development of a professional learning community.

This book is written for practicing and prospective instructional leaders whose objective is to develop reflective, collaborative, problem-solving contexts for dialogue about instruction, and what successful leaders do to enhance teaching and learning. These leaders are namely principals, assistant principals, lead teachers, department chairpersons, curriculum directors, and staff developers.

This book will illuminate basic elements of effective instructional leadership and describe specifically how it supports both teacher and student learning.

Stephen P. Gordon

About the Authors
Part I. The Art and Science of Instructional Leadership
1. The Craft of Teacher Supervision
Our Study

The Instructional Supervision Legacy: From Control to Collaboration

Research on Instructional Supervision

Current Issues in the Field

2. The Conference: Heart of Instructional Supervision
Successful Approaches

Research on Instructional Conferences

Our Findings


3. Staff Development: Promoting Professional Growth
Research on Teaching and Learning

How Do Teachers Learn? Principles That Shape Staff Development

Our Findings: The Lifelong Study of Teaching and Learning

PSSSSST! Redesign

Tips for Leaders


4. Reflection: Encouraging Critical Study
The Need for Reflective Practice

Related Research and the Development of Frameworks for Reflective Thinking

Approaches to Reflective Supervision

Our Study: Characteristics of Teacher Reflection

Principal Behaviors Fostering Reflection in Teachers and the Benefits to Teachers

Cognitive Coaching: Bridge to Reflection

Encouraging Reflection: Helpful Reminders

Portrait of a Facilitator for Reflective Practice

Part II. How Supervisors' Behaviors - Positive and Negative - Affect Teachers
5. Being Visible Versus Interrupting and Abandoning
Visibility by Wandering Around

Interruption of Class Instruction


6. Praising Versus Criticizing

Criticism: More About Control

7. Extending Autonomy Versus Maintaining Control
Extending Autonomy

The Control Orientation and Instructional Leadership

Other Aspects of Control

Goals of Principals' Control Orientation

The Abusive Control Orientation: The Worst of All


8. Conclusion: The Successful Instructional Leader
What, Then, Is Successful Instructional Leadership or Supervision?

Successful Leadership Vis-à-vis Instruction

Tips for Principals

Linking Instructional Leadership to the Development of a Professional Learning Community

9. Instructional Leadership: A Bridge to the Development of a Professional Learning Community
Recruiting for a Professional Learning Community

Professional Learning Communities: Findings From Research

Suggestions for Expanding Successful Instructional Leadership to Develop a Professional Learning

Everyone an Academic Leader

More to Learn: A Final Word

Resource: Research Method and Procedures

it suited the course
it had practical information

Professor Michelle Prytula
Educational Administration, Univ of Saskatchewan
February 14, 2012
Key features
  • Biggest seller in instructional leadership
  • This book is specifically intended for K-12 principals, but will appeal to higher education as well
  • Written by two of Corwin's bestselling authors
  • This book is widely known and recognized by instructional leadership experts in the country
  • Good book for Sage Education to promote in administration

In this expanded second edition of the Handbook of Instructional Leadership the authors include findings from recent research, literature, and national reports as well as additional figures, models, tips, and reading lists. In the new, final chapter the authors integrate findings about successful instructional leadership with extant research on professional learning communities and constructivist leading and learning.

The authors conclude that "we have not yet achieved a full understanding of myriad related issues such as adult growth, career development, reflective thinking, power elements of interaction among educators, coaching, constructivist leading and learning, and development of professional learning communities. Refreshingly, the continuing study of instructional leadership, partially illuminated by such work as this, is testament to the essence of all who work in our field as teachers, leaders, and researchers: It is a matter of lifelong learning."

Rebajo (Jo) R. Blase

Jo Blase is a professor of educational administration at the University of Georgia, and a former public school teacher, high school and middle school principal, and director of staff development. She received a Ph.D. in educational administration, curriculum, and supervision in 1983 from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and her research has focused on instructional and transformational leadership, school reform, staff development, and principal-teacher relationships. Through work with the Beginning Principal Study National Research Team, the Georgia League of Professional Schools, and public and private school educators with whom she... More About Author

Joseph Blase

Joseph Blase is a professor of educational administration at the University of Georgia. Since receiving his Ph.D. in 1980 from Syracuse University, his research has focused on school reform, transformational leadership, the micropolitics of education, principal-teacher relationships, and the work lives of teachers. His work concentrating on school-level micropolitics received the 1988 Davis Memorial Award given by the University Council for Educational Administration, and his coauthored article published in the Journal of Educational Administration won the W. G. Walker 2000 Award for Excellence. In 1999 he was recognized as an elite... More About Author

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ISBN: 9780761931157