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Educating Hearts and Minds

Educating Hearts and Minds
A Comprehensive Character Education Framework

Second Edition

232 pages | Corwin
In this revised edition of their bestselling book, the authors provide a comprehensive character education framework designed to help primary school administrators, educators , and concerned citizens organize, implement, and assess character education programmes in their schools. The authors propose many new ideas, suggestions, and promising practices that may be personalized to fit the needs and interests of a school, community, and children and youth. These include tips for leaders on how to involve all stakeholders and how to reach consensus, steps for developing a values curriculum, and strategies for instruction and staff develoment.
Setting the Stage for Character Education
The Framework
Standards for Planning and Implementation

The Framework
Keys to Success

Instruction and Staff Development

Building Effective Home, School and Community Partnerships
Assessing Your Character Education Programs

 "This new edition provides immediate help to all who work to improve our public schools."

Sam W. Swofford
Executive Director, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

"A great resource for teaching that character matters in furthering the ideals on which this country has been built!"

Carol Russo, William Lloyd Garrison School
Bronx, NY

"The ‘soil’ of our schools has lost a nurturing ingredient that is essential to give life to the ideas and the efforts of educators. That missing nurturing ingredient is the school’s moral mission . . . DeRoche and Williams have written a sound and practical book not only for educators but for anyone interested in learning exactly how schools can navigate these often shoal-filled waters."

Kevin Ryan, From the Foreword, "Educating Hearts and Minds, 2nd Edition"
Boston University

Edward F. DeRoche

Edward F. DeRoche received a BS degree from the University of Maine, an MEd degree from Easter Connecticut State University, and an MA and PhD from the University of Connecticut. He is currently Professor in the School of Education and Codirector of the International Center for Character Education at the University of San Diego. ... More About Author

Mary M. Williams

Mary M. Williams received her BS degree in elementary education from the State University of New York (SUNY), Plattsburgh, her MS in reading from SUNY, Albany, and her EdD in Educational Leadership: Curriculum, Instruction, and Supervision from Boston University. She has been a K-12 teacher, a reading specialist, a curriculum coordinator, a teacher educator, a staff developer, and a program evaluator. ... More About Author