Ch 1 Introduction and Overview
Ch 2 Confidence Statements and Interval Estimates
Why Confidence Intervals?
Ch 3 Central Confidence Intervals
Central and Standardizable versus Noncentral Distributions
Confidence Intervals Using the Central t and Normal Distributions
Confidence Intervals Using the Central Chi-Square and F Distributions
Ch 4 Noncentral Confidence Intervals for Standardized Effect Sizes
Computing Noncentral Confidence Intervals
Ch 5 Applications in Anova and Regression
A Priori and Post-Hoc Contrasts
Regression: Multiple, Partial, and Semi-Partial Correlations
Effect-Size Statistics for MANOVA and Setwise Regression
Confidence Interval for a Regression Coefficient
Goodness of Fit Indices in Structural Equations Models
Ch 6 Applications in Categorical Data Analysis
Odds Ratio, Difference between Proportions and Relative Risk
Chi-Square Confidence Intervals for One Variable
Two-Way Contingency Tables
Effects in Log-Linear and Logistic Regression Models
Ch 7 Significance Tests and Power Analysis
Significance Tests and Model Comparison
Designing Studies Using Power Analysis and Confidence Intervals
Confidence Intervals for Power
Concluding Remarks
About the Author