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Canonical Correlation Analysis

Canonical Correlation Analysis
Uses and Interpretation

72 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Recent advances in statistical methodology and computer automation are making canonical correlation analysis available to more and more researchers. This volume explains the basic features of this sophisticated technique in an essentially non-mathematical introduction which presents numerous examples. Thompson discusses the assumptions, logic, and significance testing procedures required by this analysis, noting trends in its use and some recently developed extensions.
The Logic of Canonical Analysis
Result Interpretation
Additional Coefficients
Supplementary Analytic Techniques
Synthesis and Summary

Bruce Thompson

Bruce Thompson is (a) a former member of the Council of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), (b) a former nominee for AERA President, and (c) a former editor of AERJ:TLHD (as well as 3 other journals, including EPM for 9 years). Bruce is especially known for (a) his work on effect sizes, and (b) his contributions to creating the LibQUAL+(R) protocol, completed in ~20 language variations by more than 1,200,000 academic research library users at more than 1,100 institutions from around the world. More About Author

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