Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics, Grades 4-5
- David A. Sousa - International Educational Consultant
Brain-Friendly Teaching & Learning | Mathematics | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
The more teachers know about how the brain learns, the more instructional options they have. Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics, Grades 4-5 provides ready-to-use, brain-compatible lessons for mathematics instruction. Each step-by-step lesson includes detailed instructions for the teacher, maths activities, and all the necessary reproducibles. Correlated with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' standards and Focal Points, this classroom resource shows teachers how to apply the principles discussed in Sousa's bestseller, How the Brain Learns Mathematics.
"A perfect resource for the standards-based mathematics classroom. Each lesson is simply designed by rich in mathematical content. The real-world connection and use of manipulatives, games, and even items from home will hook the 21st-century learner. As a teacher, I spend a considerable amount of time searching for appropriate lesson ideas. No more! This collection of lessons—across all math standards—provides me with enough resources to enhance my current teaching."
"A very well-organized resource that will enrich any math curriculum with practical, easy-to-follow activities designed with a variety of learners in mind. I was delighted to see so many 'out of your seat' activities to keep students engaged. The best part is that the author has included quick formative assessments within each activity to check for understanding and gain perspective on each child's math ability at that moment. This is a valuable resource for developing critical thinking skills for our 21st-century learners."
This book has great activities, but I was looking for a book that would help pre-service teachers move toward 4-5 CCSS in Mathematics.