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Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics

Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics
What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Learning Styles | Mathematics

April 2007 | 104 pages | Corwin
Join Randi Stone as she visits the classrooms of award-winning teachers to observe their tried-and-tested best practices for teaching mathematics to elementary, middle school, and high school learners. Explore strategies for engaging students in math studies both before and after state tests as Stone's teachers demonstrate how to use animated learning icons, money-based systems, human number lines, 'sweet' solutions, and much more. Packed with lessons that work and ideas that will expand the instructional repertoires of new and veteran teachers alike, this book also features a special lesson study chapter that invites the reader to participate in a true win-win professional experience.
About the Author
About the Contributors
Ryan Faulk, Montana
1. Using a Money-Based Discipline or Reward System in an Elementary Classroom
Terry Castoria, New Jersey
2. Number of the Year Award
Helen F. Melvin, Maine
3. Technology-Enhanced Second-Grade Math
Sharon Andrews, South Dakota
4. Getting Zoned-Out Students to Tune In
Steven Wyborney, Oregon
5. Letting Student Strengths Lead Math Problem Solving
Steven Wyborney, Oregon
6. Using Animated Learning Icons to Capture and Enhance Instruction
Heather Sullivan, New Mexico
7. Honoring the Middle School Student
Pam Roller, Indiana
8. Sweet Solutions in Math Make a Difference in the World
Patricia F. Clark, New York
9. But . . . Does It Make Sense?
Dianne M. Peterson, Florida
10. Keeping Math Alive After State Testing
Debbie Gordon, Arizona
11. Teaching and Learning Math Vocabulary With Meaning
Mary Jane Short, Delaware
12. I Became a Facilitator as Well as a Teacher
Joyce Wolfe Dodd, South Carolina
13. Human Number Line: Make Yourself a Fraction
Jim Miller, Washington
14. A Systematic Approach to Factoring Trinomials
Donna H. Henry, Arizona
15. Engaged Students Love Math
Carol Ann Amos, Vermont
16. Letting Everyone Shine
John P. Pieper, Wisconsin
17. From Angst to Aptitude: Math Is More Than a Four-Letter Word
Debra Rose Howell, Washington
18. Lesson Study: A "Win-Win" Professional Practice

As part of the recommended textbooks for EDUC 355, this resource is great because it provides valuable information on educational best practices.

Professor Fidel Tavara
Assessment and Education, Ana G. Mendez University System
August 29, 2012

Randi B. Sofman

Randi Stone is the author of nine Corwin Press books: Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Writing: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, and Best Practices for Teaching Science: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do. She is a graduate of Clark University, Boston University, and Salem State College. She completed her doctorate in education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. More About Author