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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders
Interventions and Treatments for Children and Youth

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Autism Spectrum Disorders

264 pages | Corwin
'Autism Spectrum Disorders presents the best validation criteria we currently have to offer children with ASD, and provides a blueprint for future work in this area. A long overdue wake-up call to the field, and one that is highly recommended.' - Gary Sasso, Chairperson, Department of Curriculum and Instruction , University of Iowa

'This excellent compendium will prove invaluable for anyone who wants to identify and evaluate commonly used treatments and interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.' - Juane Heflin, Associate Professor, Georgia State University

How can you best help a child with autism reach their full potential?

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) present a perplexing challenge for parents and school professionals. Literally dozens of interventions and treatments are available, so how does one know which intervention strategy works best for any given child or situation? This essential new resource, Autism Spectrum Disorders, was developed to respond directly to the extraordinary difficulty school professionals and families face in selecting and applying appropriate, effective interventions and treatments for the children in their care.

The information is presented in a straightforward and simple format, practical for finding clear answers to complex questions. For easy access, the book is organized into the following five intervention categories-Interpersonal Relationships, Skill-Based Treatment Programs, Cognitive Methods, Physiological/Biological/Neurological Approaches, and Other Treatments and Interventions. Each category contains several detailed reviews, including:

" A description of the intervention or treatment

" Reported benefits and effects associated with its use

" A synthesis of how the outcomes relate to individuals with ASD

" A discussion of who is best qualified to implement it, including when and where

" Potential costs and risks

Comprehensive in scope, this resource briefly evaluates over 40 commonly used and purported interventions and treatments for individuals with ASD, as well as detailed evaluations of their utility and efficiency. It will assist readers in critically evaluating and choosing those methods that have the highest probability of yielding benefits for this special population.

About the Authors
1. Interpersonal Relationship Interventions and Treatments
Holding Therapy

Gentle Teaching

Option Method (Son-Rise Program)

Developmental, Individual-Difference Relationship-Based Model (Floor Time)

Play-Oriented Strategies

Pet/Animal Therapy

Rationship Development Intervention (RDI)

2. Skill-Based Interventions and Treatments
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Incidental Teaching

Facilitated Communication

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Assistive Technology

van Dijk Curricular Approach

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

Joint Action Routines (JARs)

Fast ForWord®

Pivotal Response Training

Structured Teaching (TEACCH)

3. Cognitive Interventions
Cognitive Behavioral Modification

Cognitive Learning Strategies

Cognitive Scripts

Social Stories

Power Cards


Social Decision-Making Strategies

Learning Experiences: An Alternative Program for Preschoolers and

Parents (LEAP)

4. Physiological/Biological/Neurological Treatments and Interventions
Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome: Irlen Lenses

Sensory Integration

Auditory Integration Training

Mercury: Vaccination and Autism

Candida: Autism Connection

Gluten-Casein Intolerance

Megavitamin Therapy

Feingold Diet, Herb, Mineral and Other Supplements


5. Other Treatments and Interventions
Art Therapy

Music Therapy


"Autism Spectrum Disorders presents the best validation criteria we currently have to offer children with ASD, and provides a blueprint for future work in this area. A long overdue wake-up call to the field, and one that is highly recommended."

Gary Sasso, Chairperson, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Iowa

"This excellent compendium will prove invaluable for anyone who wants to identify and evaluate commonly used treatments and interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders."

Juane Heflin, Associate Professor
Georgia State University

"...the authors of the volume under review are to be commended for their efforts and for the resulting product.  Simpson and colleagues have produced a resource that parents and professionals can consult with the confidence that the evaluations and judgments of the interventions are generally fair and reflect the scientific evidence available to date...the book fills an important need and can serve as a model and stimulus for similar work in the future."

Donald P. Oswald
American Psychological Association

This comprehensive, research-based overview on current treatments for autism spectrum disorders is a very valuable resource for clinicians, educators and family members involved with the autism community.

Professor Oliver Wendt
Educational Studies Dept, Purdue University
August 10, 2011

Richard L. Simpson

Richard L. Simpson was Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas. He was a member of the Department of Special Education faculty for over 40 years. While at the University of Kansas he directed numerous University of Kansas and University of Kansas Medical Center demonstration programs for students with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities and coordinated a variety of federal grant programs related to students with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities. He also worked as a special education teacher, school psychologist and coordinator of a community mental health outreach program. Rich authored... More About Author

Sonja R. de Boer

Sonja R. de Boer is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) and obtained her Ph.D. in special education and psychology and research in education at the University of Kansas, with an emphasis on early intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Richard Simpson was her advisor through her doctorate program. She has approximately 30 years of experience working in early childhood special education, early intervention services, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), with students with disabilities, and specifically children with ASD. For children with ASD, she has designed and supervised in-home intervention programs ... More About Author

Deborah Griswold

Deborah E. Griswold is Project Coordinator in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas. Her interests and research are in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavior disorders, and disability and the link to delinquency and adult incarceration. She received her doctorate from the University of Kansas. More About Author

Brenda Smith Myles

Brenda Smith Myles is Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas, where she codirects a graduate program in Asperger syndrome and autism. She has written numerous articles and books, including Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage, and Meltdowns and Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence: Practical Solutions for School Success, the winner of the Autism Society of America’s outstanding literary work in 2002. Dr. Myles is on the executive boards of several organizations, including the Organization for Autism Research and MAAP Services, Inc. More About Author

Sara E. Byrd

Jennifer Ganz

Jennifer B. Ganz is Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Ganz previously worked as a general and special education teacher and an educational consultant. Her research interests include strategies to improve social and communication skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. More About Author

Katherine Tapscott Cook

Katherine Tapscott Cook is an assistant professor at Missouri Western State College in special education. She received her PhD in special education with an amphasis in autism, Asperger syndrome and behavior disorders from the University of Kansas. Dr Cook's principle research interests in the area of autism spectrum disorders include sensory integration and social skills instruction. She is a co-author of Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Issues. More About Author

Kaye L. Otten

Kaye Otten has a doctorate from The University of Kansas in special education with an emphasis in emotional, behavioral, and autism spectrum disorders and is a board certified behavior analyst with Summit Behavioral Services specializing in school based services.  She provides collaborative coaching to school districts in developing evidence based multi-tiered systems of behavioral support and serves as adjunct faculty with The Mandt System, an international leader in crisis prevention and intervention.  Kaye has over thirty years of experience in public and private schools as a general and special educator and... More About Author

Josefa Ben-Arieh

Josefa Ben-Arieh earned an undergraduate degree in English language and linguistics from Ben-Gurion University, Israel, in 1978. In 1998 she earned an MSEd from the University of Kansas in special education and a PhD in 2003. Her area of expertise is autism and behavior disorders. More About Author

Sue Ann Kline

Sue Ann Kline is Executive Director for the Autism Asperger Resource Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She received her doc-torate in special education from the University of Kansas. For more than ten years, she taught students with learning disabilities and severe emo-tional and behavior disorders in both rural and suburban areas, and she has experience teaching at the college and university level. Dr. Kline has worked as a special education consultant across the State of Kansas. She has served as a consultant for many public and private schools and agencies in both Missouri and Kansas. In addition, she has authored and... More About Author

Lisa Garriott Adams

Lisa Garriott Adams is Clinical Director of the Autism Asperger Resource Center in Kansas City. Dr. Adams received her doctorate in special educa-tion from the University of Kansas in 2003. Specialty/interest areas include increasing the play and socialization skills of children and youth with autism spectrum disorders and emotional behavioral disorders. More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.