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Vivek M. Belhekar Faculty member, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Mumbai

Vivek M. Belhekar is currently Assistant Professor at Department of Applied Psychology, University of Mumbai. He has been teaching at University of Mumbai for the last 13 years. His areas of interest include personality psychology, particularly the five-factor model of personality, personality disorders, evolutionary psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and psychological aspects of economic behavior. He was a part of UGC-UPE Center for Behavioral Research and currently he is also working with Center for Experimental and Computational Social Sciences under UPE-UGC. He has several cross-national collaborations and also adapted quite a few psychological instruments in Marathi. He has published and presented papers in several international and national journals and conferences. At University of Mumbai, he taught courses such as statistics for psychology, advanced applied psychometrics, evolutionary psychology, advanced skills and processes for counseling and psychotherapy. He enjoys travelling, painting, and is also an avid photographer, particularly passionate about wildlife photography.