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John C. Reinard California State University, Fullerton, USA

John C. Reinard (Ph.D., Southern California) is a professor of Human Communication Studies at California State University, Fullerton. He regularly teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in research methods, quantitative research, persuasion, critical thinking, and argumentation. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 1975, after which he served on the faculties at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and Arizona State University. He also has served as a master instructor in statistical process control for Motorola. He is the author of Introduction to Research in Communication, soon to be published in its fourth edition, as well as Foundations of Argument. His research has focused primarily in the areas of communication and the law, persuasion, and argumentation. He has published his research in journals including Communication Monographs, the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, and Argumentation and Advocacy. He has authored over 100 books, articles, chapters, and research reports presented at professional meetings and conventions. He has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Argumentation and Advocacy, Communication Quarterly, Communication Reports, Communication Education, and the Western Journal of Communication. He has twice received his University’s Author Award and has also been honored with its Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activity Award. He has chaired five interest groups in professional organizations and has served on committees of three professional organizations. He lives with his wife in Southern California and in his spare time he plays the piano and is a gourmet chef.