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Sengupta, Debashish

Debashish Sengupta the author of the award-winning book The Life of Y: Engaging Millennials as Employees and Consumers

Debashish Sengupta, a dual PhD, completed his PhD in management from Central University of Nicaragua (UCN) and Azteca University, Mexico. He is certified in 'Improving Business through a Culture of Health' from Harvard Business School, ‘Social Psychology’ from Wesleyan University, US and ‘Leadership Development’ from , and Japan Management Association. He is an award-winning author. His book The Life of Y: Engaging Millennials as Employees and Consumers (SAGE Publications) recently won the first prize at the DMA-NTPC Management Book Awards— a national-level award in India. The book has not only become a bestseller, but it has also been featured in the library collections by Stanford University. Dr Sengupta is also the co-author of the Crossword Bestseller and KPMG-cited book Employee Engagement. He has authored five other acclaimed books. His research papers have been published in leading international journals. His papers have featured in leading international journals including TQR (The Qualitative Report); International Journal of Learning Management Systems; PM World Journal; Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management; and Journal of Business and Retail Management Research to name a few. Besides this, he has written for numerous business media publications and has over 100 publications to his credit. Recently, he was featured globally as the ‘author of the week’ by PM World Journal, USA, to honour his research contributions. He occasionally writes for reputed business media publications. He has received several research awards in his career spanning over two decades, including best paper awards and young researcher award.

Dr Sengupta is the Asia Editor of a London-based leading global business magazine The Future of Earth: Environment, Economy and Society. He is a much-sought-after speaker, trainer and business consultant to various Indian and multinational companies. His strategic and practical insights guide leaders of large and small organizations worldwide, through his teaching, writing and direct consultation to major corporations and governments.

Dr Sengupta presently teaches human resource and strategy at the Royal University for Women Bahrain. He has teaching experience spanning nearly two decades and has taught students from India, the USA, Europe and Far East.